Niya Panamdanam
Twitter: @findniya
Understand that Tech Debt is not bad.
Tech Debt is an umbrella term and can mean a lot of things.
Prioritizing Tech Debts as part of a strategy for improving the product.
Tech Debt is
There is a start and end to it.
Ex: Adding documentation for front-end components.
There is a start but it's hard to predict when it will end.
Ex: Major library updates.
Questions to ask if this Tech Debt is affecting just you or the organization.
What is the impact on users or the business
Do others in different teams also feel the same pain?
Is there a reason why things are the way they are?
Does your leadership understand the value of fixing this Tech Debt? Will they support you?
Not keeping up to date.
Some examples:
Engineering workflows are bogged down. Not having tests or alerts for issues.
Some examples:
New features or work on certain areas, affect the stability of the infrastructure or the core product.
Some examples:
There is immediate and visible user impact.
Some examples:
Past technical decisions with some tradeoffs and the team is paying for it now.
Some examples:
Ex: Going back after the sprint to write documentation.
Ex: Moving to start using Typescript.
What is the likelihood that this will lead to larger problems?
How does it affect user experience?
How much debt do you already have?
When will this become a problem?
Does this block important milestones?
The only problem we really have is we think we're not supposed to have problems! Problems call us to higher level – face & solve them now!
– Tonny Robbins