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2.3 - Managing Dependencies
In this lecture
What are software dependencies?
Issues in managing dependencies
Tradeoffs in reusability and platformisation
Software Libraries
Avoid reinventing the wheel
Leverage other APIs and abstractions
Platform as a Service - platforms to help you build your software
What are we
The author doesn't remove the library
The author doesn't break the library with an update
The author isn't malicious
The library's dependencies are available
Two types of dependencies
Direct dependencies
your application relies on
Transitive dependencies
 - the libraries your dependencies rely on / dependencies of dependencies
Diamond Dependencies
Cyclical Dependencies
Lockfile specifies an exact version of dependencies to be used
Avoids the risk of automatically upgrading packages that depend on one another and breaking the dependency tree
Semantic Versioning
Version number: major.minor.patch (e.g. 1.10.1)
 - when you make changes that break the API contract (break LSP)
- when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner (maintain LSP)
- backwards compatible bug fix
A little copying is better than a little dependency.
Case Study: Leftpad
Keeping supply chains secure
Any software dependency creates a security risk
Your code might be secure, but are your dependencies secure?
SAST - Static Analysis Security Testing - tools to keep track of security upgrades to dependencies