Jira and Confluence are two of the largest cogs in the clockwork of modern teamwork.
Jira: Project task breakdown, planning and tracking
Confluence: Knowledge management and collaboration.
Quiz app: Functional requirements
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Quiz app: Non-functional requirements
Available on the internet (deployed)
Built using TypeScript (Node.js backend, React Frontend)
Authentication with SSO
Data stored persistently
Demo time.
The use cases of Jira and Confluence in enterprise
Knowledge management and the rosetta stone
Open-source and collaboration
Vast array of features and fields
Highly configurable
Jira at scale - JQL and issue navigation
Deeply embedded in business processes
Ecosystem: Integration of Jira, Confluence and other products
The pipeline from university to work
Accountability - you're a paid employee
Impact - the changes you make affect real people
Context - your software development is governed by the culture, processes and needs of the business
Scale - you need to consider how many people will be using your software
The pipeline from university to work
Long-form software development - projects last months, not weeks. Sprints and milestones are still present, but in service of a larger goal. Design/tech debt becomes even more important.
The Unknown - get comfortable with it. It's here to stay.