How Atlassian product-integrations can revolutionize the design work-flow in InVision Studio
and other apps that have revolutionized the development process globally.
Seamlessly upload Sketch artboards, layers, and slices to your Jira issues.
Discover issues to work on, and check issues you've been assigned or mentioned in.
Share designs, assets, and feedback with your team - without ever leaving Sketch!
A direct view in Studio for any existing checklist in a Trello card for the designer to reference.
Filtered by category, for instance–checklists with the 'design' tag.
Add, edit, or complete new points to the checklist from Studio
A Studio File could be linked directly to a Trello card.
When there’s an update from the project to share, the designer can update the Trello card directly from Studio.
Updates could be a rendered PNG of a selected artboard, .gif of a prototype, or a link to a prototype.
On the Trello card, an image could appear with comments from the designer.
Upload or update image assets from Studio directly to Bitbucket, generating pull requests.
Could involve a CI / CD pipeline via Bamboo.
Designer can create folders & specify the intended directory structure directly from a Studio App
Could involve exporting features: using existing Studio features to determining the format, and how many asset copies are needed at various specified resolutions.