egy adaptálható morfológiai egyértelműsítő
Orosz György
Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem
- morfológiai elemzőt használva
- TnT / HunPos alapokon
- moduláris felépítéssel
- tetszőleges elemzővel használható
- gyorsan tanítható
- sokrétűen paraméterezhető
szavak // mondatok
97-98% // 60-80%
~200 mondat/mp
$ java -jar ./purepos.jar train -m test.model -i train.txt
$ java -jar ./purepos.jar tag -m test.model -i input.txt -o output.txt
$ java -jar ./purepos.jar -h
Usage: java -jar <purepos.jar> [options...] arguments...
tag|train : Mode selection: train for training the
tagger, tag for tagging a text with the
given model.
-a (--analyzer) <analyzer> : Set the morphological analyzer. <analyzer>
can be 'none', 'integrated' or a file :
<morphologicalTableFile>. The default is to
use the integrated one. Tagging only option.
-b (--beam-theta) <theta> : Set the beam-search limit. The default is
1000. Tagging only option.
-c (--encoding) <encoding> : Encoding used to read the training set, or
write the results. The default is your OS
-d (--beam-decoder) : Use Beam Search decoder. The default is to
employ the Viterbi algorithm. Tagging only
-e (--emission-order) <number> : Order of emission. First order means that
the given word depends only on its tag. The
default is 2. Training only option.
-f (--config-file) <file> : Configuratoin file containg tag mappings.
Defaults to do not map any tag.
-g (--max-guessed) <number> : Limit the max guessed tags for each token.
The default is 10. Tagging only option.
-h (--help) : Print this message.
-i (--input-file) <file> : File containg the training set (for
tagging) or the text to be tagged (for
tagging). The default is the standard input.
-m (--model) <modelfile> : Specifies a path to a model file. If an
exisiting model is given for training, the
tool performs incremental training.
-n (--max-results) <number> : Set the expected maximum number of tag
sequences (with its score). The default is
1. Tagging only option.
-o (--output-file) <file> : File where the tagging output is redirected.
Tagging only option.
-r (--rare-frequency) <treshold> : Add only words to the suffix trie with
frequency less than the given treshold. The
default is 10. Training only option.
-s (--suffix-length) <length> : Use a suffix trie for guessing unknown
words tags with the given maximum suffix
length. The default is 10. Training only
-t (--tag-order) <number> : Order of tag transition. Second order means
trigram tagging. The default is 2. Training
only option.
>>> ptrainer = PurePosTrainer("./simple.model", verbose=True)
>>> ptrainer.train(parse_text(train_text), finalize=False)
>>> ptagger = PurePosTagger("./simple.model")
>>> ptagger.tag("A mítápon jó a hagulat .".split())
>>> ptagger.tag([("Józsi", [("Józsi", "[FN][NOM]")]),
("ütött", [("üt", "[IGE][Me3]", -0.001),
("üt", "[IGE][_MIB][NOM]", -99)]),