Tao Pang, Jack Umenberger and Russ Tedrake
Robot Locomotion Group
{pangtao, ju, russt}@csail.mit.edu
estimated contact force
Haddadin, Sami, Alessandro De Luca, and Alin Albu-Schäffer. "Robot collisions: A survey on detection, isolation, and identification." IEEE Transactions on Robotics 33.6 (2017): 1292-1312.
Manuelli, L. and Tedrake, R., 2016, October. Localizing external contact using proprioceptive sensors: The contact particle filter. In 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) (pp. 5062-5069).
motor torque.
external torque due to contact
gravitational torque.
joint angles.
for the contact position \(\bm{p}_C\) and contact force \(\bm{f}_C\), subject to
Components of \(\bm{f}_C\) along \(\bm{v}_{C_i}\).
Link 6 of IIWA.
(a): accepted samples out of 10000 samples/link.
(b): accepted samples out of 500 samples/link.
Total number of contacts.
Normal and Jacobian at contact \(i\).
Push/pull at contact \(i\).
Constrains sideways motion.
Small motion.
No. Tests | Gradient Descent successes* | Success% | RDGD successes |
Success% | |
CPF succeeds | 7551 | 7326 | 97% | ||
CPF no detection | 916 | 874 | 95% | ||
CPF too far away | 1365 | 1112 | 81% | 1255 | 92% |
Many of the failures are due to anomalies in the mesh: "grooves (test 9701) and ledges".
Improve mesh quality.
Some are due to failures in proximity queries
Use signed distance field instead of bounding volume hierarchy?
Flipped normal
test id 4838
Proximity query returns a point "off-mesh".
test id 510
True contact on a "ledge", not covered by samples. Therefore the local minimum doesn't exist on the robot surface.
test id 868
Average Number of QP solves per gradient descent: 43.4.