Contact Detection from Joint Torque Measurements

\newcommand{\rv}[1]{\mathsfit{#1}} \newcommand{\rvv}[1]{\bm{\mathsfit{#1}}}

Pang, joint work with Jack


  • We would like to solve

for the contact position \(\bm{p}_C\) and contact force \(\bm{f}_C\), subject to 

  •  \(\bm{p}_C \in \mathcal{S}\): point C is on the robot's surface.
  • \(\bm{f}_C \in \mathcal{K}_C\): force \(\bm{f}_C\) is inside the friction cone at C.


\bm{\tau}_\text{ext} = \bm{J}_C(\bm{q}, \bm{p}_C)^\intercal \bm{f}_C,
  • This is equivalent to solving
\underset{\bm{\beta} \geq 0, \; \bar{\bm{p}}_C \in \mathcal{S}}{\text{min.}} \; \| \bm{J}(\bm{q}, \bar{\bm{p}}_C)^{\intercal} \bm{\beta} - \bm{\tau}_\text{ext} \|^2.
\newcommand{\tauE}{\bm{\tau}_{\text{ext}}} \newcommand{\pCbar}{\bar{\bm{p}}_C} \begin{aligned} &l(\pCbar; \bm{q}, \tauE) \coloneqq \underset{\bm{\beta} \geq 0}{\text{min.}} \; \| \bm{J}(\bm{q}, \pCbar)^{\intercal} \bm{\beta} - \bm{\tau}_\text{ext} \|^2 \\ =& \underset{\bm{\beta} \geq 0}{\text{min.}} \left(\bm{\beta}^\intercal \underbrace{\bm{J}\bm{J}^\intercal}_{\bm{Q}} \bm{\beta} - 2 \left(\underbrace{\bm{J} \tauE}_{-\bm{b}}\right)^\intercal \bm{\beta} + \tauE^\intercal \tauE \right). \end{aligned}
  • The cost of a one contact point C is written as
  • Common assumptions:
    • Only one external contact.
    • Contacts create no moment about the contact point.

Components of \(\bm{f}_C\) along \(\bm{v}_{C_i}\).

Link 6 of IIWA.

Multiple Local minima of

l(\cdot; \bm{q}, \bm{\tau}_\text{ext})
  • In general, the best achievable contact estimate from joint torque measurements is not a unique point, but a set of points which are the global minima of
  • We propose an algorithm to find all local minima of
  • Considering that torque measurements are noisy, knowing the local minima in addition to the global ones could actually be beneficial.  
l(\cdot; \bm{q}, \bm{\tau}_\text{ext})
l(\cdot; \bm{q}, \bm{\tau}_\text{ext})

Find local minima of \(l(\cdot; \bm{q}, \bm{\tau}_\text{ext})\) with Rejection Sampling + Gradient Descent

  • Rejection sampling: sample points on the robot's surface, take the points with \(l \leq \epsilon\).

(a): accepted samples out of 10000 samples/link.

(b): accepted samples out of 500 samples/link.


Rejection rate is 98% with \(l < 0.005\).

Find local minima of \(l(\cdot; \bm{q}, \bm{\tau}_\text{ext})\) with Rejection Sampling + Gradient Descent

  1. Rejection sampling with a larger threshold \(\delta\).
  2. Run gradient descent on the accepted samples to converge to local minima of \(l(\cdot)\).
  • \(P_\delta\): set of accepted samples.
  • \(P_\delta^*\): set of optimized samples.
  • Acceptance rate rises to 17.5% with \(\delta = 0.1\)

Find local minima of \(l(\cdot; \bm{q}, \bm{\tau}_\text{ext})\) with Rejection Sampling + Gradient Descent

  • \(P_\delta\): set of accepted samples.
  • \(P_\delta^*\): set of optimized samples.
  • Accepted / all samples: 172/1000
  • Link  5 ,  converged_samples / accepted samples: 78/84
  • Link  6 ,  converged_samples / accepted samples: 80/88

Average Number of QP solves per gradient descent: 43.4.

Works in other cases too!

Active Contact Discrimination

  • Disambiguate candidate contact positions found by Rejection Sampling + Gradient Descent by making small motions.

Active Contact Discrimination

  • Disambiguate candidate contact positions found by Rejection Sampling + Gradient Descent.

Total number of contacts.

Normal and Jacobian at contact \(i\).

Push/pull at contact \(i\).

Constrains sideways motion.

Small motion.


  • Detecting contacts from \(\bm{\tau}_\text{ext}\) on multiple links is probably not reliable in practice. 
  • Tactile skin is perhaps the better solution?