Simulation and planning using quasistatic models



  • A discrete-time system modeled after MultibodyPlant. 
  • Input ports:
    • Commanded trajectories of actuated model instances.
    • Applied spatial forces. 
  • Output ports:
    • State (configuration) of all model instances.
    • QueryObject.
    • ContactResults.
  • 5 unit tests.
    • IIWA trajectory following.
    • IIWA external loading.
    • IIWA box pick-and-place.
    • 3-link arm box pushing 2D.
    • 3-link arm box pushing 3D.

IIWA trajectory following

Quasistatic, h = 0.2s.

MBP, h = 1e-4s.

  • IIWA is commanded to track a given trajectory. The robot is controlled with [this controller](


  • The two trajectories are almost identical. 
  • But the error between MBP and commanded is larger than that of quasistatic sim. And MBP always lags behind quasistatic.
  • Increasing the duration of the trajectories means integrating smaller error over longer period of time, and the result seems to be constant total integral error. 
  • The difference between MBP and quasistatic be justified by the fact that second-order systems have non-zero steady-state error under ramp inputs.
  • Input: \( \frac{1}{s^2}\)
  • System: \( \frac{1}{s^2 + 2s + 1} \)

IIWA external loading

  • An external force is applied to the origin of link 7. The force has constant direction [0, 0, -1]. Its magnitude is increased from 0N at t=0s. to 100N at t = 1s.
  • Quasistatic and MBP simulations have the same final joint angles. 
    • h_quasistatic = 0.4s. h_mbp = 1e-4s.

IIWA block pick-and-place.

Quasistatic, h = 0.1s.

MBP, h = 1e-3s.

  • IIWA is commanded to track a given trajectory, which picks up the red box and places it on the pile in its front.
  • The robot is controlled with [this controller](

IIWA comparison

  • Robot trajectories (right) are almost identical, with a small lag observed in MBP.
  • Error between MBP and commanded is larger than that of quasistatic.
  • Spikes in MBP tracking error correspond to acceleration/deceleration of the red block. 

Red box comparison

  • The quasistatic model should be following the "commanded" trajectory more closely, as there is no lag due to inertia.  

Spikes due to acceleration/decelration.

3 link arm block pushing 2D

Quasistatic, h = 0.1s.

MBP, h = 1e-3s.

  • The 3-link arm pushes a robot constrained to the yz plane.
  • The robot is controlled with [this controller](


3 link arm block pushing 3D

Quasistatic, h = 0.1s.

MBP, h = 1e-3s.

  • The 3-link arm is commanded to push a box in 3D.
    • The arm is controlled with [this controller](
  • An example of "unstable pushing" that shows the difference between contact models.
    • The box starts at symmetric about the yz plane. 
    • The box in MBP remains parallel to the yz plane.
    • The final pose of the box in quasistatic sim appears to be non-deterministic! (will investigate.)

Box turns left.

Box turns right.


  • The difference starts to grow as the box starts to slide. 


  • The motion "should" be unique if the frictionless system is statically determinate and the friction coefficient is moderate. 
  • There are corner cases in the LCP model:
    • Even for a single contact point, there exists contact point stiffness which leads to multiple contact modes being feasible at the same time.
  • There must be similar corner cases in Anitescu's model, but I haven't tried very hard to find them.
  • I'll look at the planning problem first and think about uniqueness along the way. 

Klarbring, A. "Examples of non-uniqueness and non-existence of solutions to quasistatic contact problems with friction." Ingenieur-Archiv (Archive of applied mechanics) 60.8 (1990): 529-541.

Title Text

  • Bullet One
  • Bullet Two
  • Bullet Three