Oct 2022
Collision-free Motion Planning
Interact with the world
Interact with the world
Collision-free Motion Planning
But this is excessively restrictive!
We'd like to enable robots to make contacts with the world like humans do.
What if we have a larger box...?
We need to use a bigger arm...
Or make more contacts!
A few more arms
Contact-rich planning and control can enable both bimanual whole-arm manipulation and dexterous manipulation.
Smooth contact-dynamics and use smoothed gradients
Reason explicitly about contact mode transitions
No Contact
smoothed dynamics
original dynamics
\(u = 0\)
Smoothed Contact Dynamics
Hybrid Contact Dynamics
Local Planning
Global Planning
Smoothed dynamics + Global planning?
[1] Mordatch et al.
[3] Posa et al.
[5] Cheng et al.
[6] Marcucci et al.
[4] Aydinoglu and Posa.
[2] Hogan and Rogriguez.
H.J. Terry Suh*, Tao Pang*, Russ Tedrake, “Bundled Gradients through Contact via Randomized Smoothing”, RA-L, 2022.
Tao Pang*, H.J. Terry Suh*, Lujie Yang, Russ Tedrake, "Global Planning for Contact-Rich Manipulation via Local Smoothing of Quasi-dynamic Contact Models", under review.
[2] Lee et al.
[1] OpenAI.
How does RL power through non-smooth contact dynamics? [3][4]
Taking a page from RL's book, we smooth contact dynamics, but without using samples (faster).
Terry Suh
No Contact
Open-loop execution of contact-rich plans:
Force balance of the robot.
Force balance of the object.
"Contact forces cannot pull."
"Contact force needs contact."
Tao Pang, Russ Tedrake, "A Convex Quasistatic Time-stepping Scheme for Rigid Multibody Systems with Contact and Friction", ICRA, 2021.
Temporal benefit: Ignoring transients => looking into the future with fewer steps.
Tao Pang, Russ Tedrake, "A Convex Quasistatic Time-stepping Scheme for Rigid Multibody Systems with Contact and Friction", ICRA, 2021.
Second-order Dynamics
Quasi-static Dynamics
Regularized least squares
Tangential displacements
Optimality Condition
Put constraints in a generalized log for \(\mathcal{\kappa}_i^\star\)
Original dynamics
Smoothed dynamics
Finding this trajectory requires powering through local minima!
H.J.T. Suh, J. Deacon, Q. Wang, "A Fast PRM Planner for Car-like Vehicles", self-hosted, 2018.
\(\varepsilon \) sub-level set
Nominal state
At state \(\bar{q}\), what doe an \(\varepsilon\)-ball in action space get transformed into under the smoothed dynamics?
Two modifications to the vanilla RRT are made:
RRT tree for a simple system with contacts
Ablation study: what trees look like after growing a fixed number of nodes.
Planning wall-clock time (seconds)
\(\varepsilon \) sub-level set
Naive QP controller based on smoothed linearization:
Tao Pang*, H.J. Terry Suh*, Lujie Yang, Russ Tedrake, "Global Planning for Contact-Rich Manipulation via Local Smoothing of Quasi-dynamic Contact Models", under review.
H.J. Terry Suh*, Tao Pang*, Russ Tedrake, “Bundled Gradients through Contact via Randomized Smoothing”, RA-L, 2022.
Tao Pang, Russ Tedrake, "A Convex Quasistatic Time-stepping Scheme for Rigid Multibody Systems with Contact and Friction", ICRA, 2021.
Terry Suh
Lujie Yang
Russ Tedrake
A Impedance-controlled 1D robot and an object.
Contact force and \(q_+\) can now be uniquely* determined from \(u\), even for grasping.
is the optimality condition of
But impacts can lead to infinite forces (e.g. Painleve's Paradox) [1].
Time step
Open-loop hardware
Open-loop Drake
\(\mathrm{v}_p\): applied velocities by the manipulator end effector at the contact point. [1]
\(R_P\): "the ray of pushing". [2]
This is a good model for planar pushing:
But what about grasping?
"Quasi-dynamic analysis is intermediate between quasi-static and dynamic. Suppose that a manipulation task involves occasional brief periods when there is no quasistatic balance. The task is then governed by Newton's laws. But in some instances, these periods are so brief that the accelerations do not integrate to significant velocities. Momentum and kinetic energy are negligible. Restitution in impact is negligible. It is as if a viscous ether is constantly damping all velocities and sucking the kinetic energy out of all moving bodies. We can analyze such a system by assuming it is at rest, calculating the total forces and body accelerations, then moving each body some short distance in the corresponding direction." -- Matt Mason <Dynamics of Robotic Manipulation>
But why is it a good idea?
Benefits of quasi-static dynamics for planning:
Larger time steps.
Quasi-dynamic is quasi-static with regularization.
mass matrix
Coriolis Force
Torque (contact + actuation)
Smooth linearization