factorial : Number -> Number
factorial n =
Vector.fold-left (*) 1 (Vector.range 1 (n + 1))
-- Evaluate factorial at another node
factorial-at : Node -> Number -> Remote Number
factorial-at alice n =
do Remote
Remote.transfer alice
pure (factorial n)
-- apply a function f to two arguments
f x y
f (x + 1) y
-- type signature
sort : forall a . Order a -> Vector a -> Vector a
-- Create an empty Index
Index.empty : forall k v . Remote (Index k v)
-- Insert a key value pair into the index
-- can use '∀' instead of 'forall'
Index.insert : ∀ k v . k -> v -> Index k v -> Remote Unit
-- Lookup a key in an index. May return None
Index.lookup : ∀ k v . k -> Index k v -> Remote (Optional v)
-- There's just a single value of type Unit, Unit!
Unit : Unit
-- Optional
Some 42 : Optional Number
None : Optional Number
index-example : Node -> Node -> Remote Text
index-example alice bob = do Remote
Remote.transfer alice
ind := Index.empty -- create the index on alice
Index.insert "Alice" "Jones" ind
Index.insert "Bob" "Smith" ind
Remote.transfer bob
Index.lookup "Alice" ind
Keyword | Set of urls containing the keyword |
programming | {haskell.org, lambda-the-ultimate.org, unisonweb.org ...} |
unison | {2016.fullstackfest.com/speakers, unisonweb.org, ... } |
scala | {scala-lang.org, scala.epfl.ch, ... } |
2016 olympics | {olympic.org/rio-2016, ... } |
... |
Keyword | Set of urls containing the keyword |
programming | {haskell.org, lambda-the-ultimate.org, unisonweb.org ...} |
unison | {2016.fullstackfest.com/speakers, unisonweb.org, ... } |
alias Url = Text
alias Keyword = Text
alias Set v = Index v Unit
alias SearchIndex = DIndex Keyword (Set Url)
search : Number -> Vector Keyword -> SearchIndex
-> Remote (Vector Url)
search limit query ind = do Remote
url-sets := Remote.traverse (k -> DIndex.lookup k ind) query
zero = IndexedTraversal.empty
url-sets := Remote.map (Optional.fold zero Index.traversal) url-sets
merge = IndexedTraversal.intersect (Order.by-2nd Hash.Order)
urls? = Vector.fold-balanced1 merge url-sets
-- urls : Vector (Url, Hash Url)
urls := IndexedTraversal.take-keys limit (Optional.get-or zero urls)
pure (Vector.map 1st urls)
-- Pick the nodes responsible for a key, using rendezvous hashing
DIndex.nodes-for-key : ∀ k v . k -> DIndex k v -> Remote (Vector Node)
DIndex.nodes-for-key k ind = do Remote
nodes := Index.keys ind
hashes := Remote.traverse (node -> hash! (node, k)) nodes
(nodes `Vector.zip` hashes)
|> Vector.sort Hash.Order 2nd
|> Vector.take DIndex.Replication-Factor
|> Vector.map 1st
|> pure
alias DIndex k v = Index Node (Index k v)
Remote.spawn : Remote Node
-- spawn a node, transfer control there
-- then continue computation
do Remote
n := Remote.spawn
Remote.transfer n
us-east : Node
eu-central : Node
Remote.spawn : Remote Node
Remote.spawn-at : Node -> Remote Node
-- Create 10,000 nodes and add them to a DIndex cluster
do Remote
ind := DIndex.empty
-- could also spawn at eu-central, or both regions!
cluster := Remote.replicate 10000 (Remote.spawn-at us-east)
Remote.traverse (n -> Remote.at' n (DIndex.join ind)) cluster
factorial-at alice n =
do Remote
Remote.transfer alice
pure (factorial n)
factorial n =
Vector.fold-left (*) 1 (Vector.range 1 (n + 1))
blah z =
Vector.fold-left (*) 1 (Vector.range 1 (z + 1))
factorial-at alice n =
do Remote
Remote.transfer alice
pure (factorial n)
factorial-at alice n =
do Remote
Remote.transfer alice
pure (#Q82jfkasdf823jbc192 n)
factorial n =
Vector.fold-left (*) 1 (Vector.range 1 (n + 1))
factorial-at alice n =
do Remote
Remote.transfer alice
pure (#Q82jfkasdf823jbc192 n)
factorial n = 43
alias Html = Text
Http.get-url : Url -> Remote (Either Text Html)
Html.get-links : Html -> Vector Html.Link
Html.plain-textify : Html -> Text
Text.words : Text -> Vector Text
Web.crawl : Vector Url -> DIndex Keyword (Set Url) -> Remote Unit
alias IndexedTraversal k v =
( Remote (Optional k) -- first key
, k -> Remote (Optional v) -- lookup
, k -> Remote (Optional k)); -- next valid key
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