Statistical Inference

Business Analytics

Why Learn About a population?

Example: When Learning is Costly

  • Maybe you are a hedge fund that wants to identify who might be a good trader. 
  • Hire everyone that applies
  • One Idea
  • Allow everyone you hired to trade for one year
  • Fire everyone who is not good at trading 
  • Evaluate everyone's trading performance

Why is this not a good idea?

  • Letting people trade who are not good at trading is expensive
  • Firing people is expensive 
  • The avg. severance pay at Meta for the 11,000 employees laid of in 2022 was $88,000

It's really expensive to find out through experience who is good at trading and who is not.

  • Initially, hire a small random subset of people who apply and evaluate them in a simulated trading environment
  • Allow everyone you hired to trade
  • In the future, hire only those who have a high estimated likelihood of real world trading success
  • Learn the relationship between individual characteristics (like their score in the simulated trading environment) and real-world trading success

What's a Better Idea?

Why is this a Better Idea?

Probability Spaces


  • Composition is a fundamental way in which we can build new ideas using our existing ideas
  • By learning about probability spaces, ideas in statistics become composable, which means we can build with them

Probability Space

  • A probability space is a mathematical structure for representing uncertainty
  • One can think of it as a tule with three elements
\Big(\Omega, \mathcal{F}, \mathbb{P}\Big)

The set of all possible outcomes

The set of all events that we can assign probability to

Sample Space

Event Space

A Function that assigns the probabilities

Probability Measure

Probability Space Example

  • Let's say that we are considering hiring some unknown individual to be a trader, how can we use a probability space to represent our uncertainty?
\Big(\Omega, \mathcal{F}, \mathbb{P}\Big)

The set of all people we could hire (finite set)

The set of all subsets of people that we could hire

Sample Space

Event Space

A Function that assigns 1/n

probability to each {i}

Probability Measure

Probability Space Example (Continued)

  • Our hedge fund doesn't care about the exact person that we hire 
  • We don't care if the person is a Chicago Cubs fan
  • We don't care if that person has a dog
  • What we care about is the performance of the person as a trader. That is, how much $ they will generate for the firm

Probability Space Example (Continued)

  • Our hedge fund doesn't care about the exact person that we hire 
  • We don't care if the person is a Chicago Cubs fan
  • We don't care if that person has a dog
  • What we care about is the performance of the person as a trader. That is, how much $ they will generate for the firm

Big Picture

Step-By-Step Walkthrough