
Microeconomic Analysis

Keep in Your mind

  • Economics is the study of relationships that shape/influence/determine the economy

This is an extremely broad set of relationships!

  • When we model consumers, we're thinking about modeling decisions that go beyond the typical setting of an individual purchases goods in a supermarket
  • We want to be able to model career decisions, saving decisions, geopolitical decisions


Choice Set


The set that contains all possible options

  • For a college senior, it might be the set of jobs available to recent graduates
  • For a kid, it might be the set of baseball bats sold at a sporting goods store
  • For policy makers, it might be the fraction of income that individuals are required to pay for housing when using a voucher

Often, we'll find it easier to consider everyone having the same choice set

The constraint function

\textcolor{blue}{F} :: \mathcal{X} \to \{0, 1\}

Is a function that indicates whether a possible choice is feasible


  • You have access to the technology which enables you to send a text message
  • You can afford to pay for the dinner at a restaurant
  • You are aware that certain housing options exists

In addition to income or financial constraints, people often face constraints related to access to technology and information