The Final Lecture

The economics of Housing & Homelessness

Economics is the study of Relationships that

Shape / Influence/ Make up / Determine

the broader Economy

The Relationships Surrounding Housing & Homelessness are of Fundamental


April 24, 2023  -- LA Times




Choice Set

Research is important, but it's only a part of it

Focus on the Insight

It's very easy to have 25 pages written with lots of tables and regressions and very little insight

With Housing & Homelessness data, we can be very far from the metaphorical lamp post!







What do you get energy from?

What do people come to you for?

When does it feel like play?

Personal Reflection

Why Pursue Economics?

Because Great Economic work asks a lot of the author

  • On the ground experience
  • Writing
  • Programming
  • Statistics
  • People Skills
  • Presenting

Always Something to Work on!

The Important Aspect

It's your people skills

What really matters is your people skills

  • Not your coding skills so much (we have chatGPT!)
  • Not your understanding of econometrics (it's just a local RCT after all!)
  • Can you work productively in a team?
  • Can you play on and off the ball?
  • Can you engage and motive necessary stakeholders

The Purpose of This Class

  • Further your interests and understanding of issues related to Housing & Homelessness
  • To become a more self-aware writer
  • To introduce you to developing statistical methods (fine-tuning LLMs)
  • To become a better reader of the news and technical material