Make the WORLD more
Make it easy for people to be
creative with photos and videos
Top photo app around the world!
140M+ downloads
Top 10 photo app in US and UK
Monetize via IAPs, ads and brands.
4 founders from US, Canada, Singapore and Latin America.
Graduated from Stanford and Cornell.
Team of 24 full-time based in SF, LA and Taipei.
(Product, operations, design, dev, BD, community)
Investors: 500 Startups, Floodgate, Freestyle, Quest and other bay area investors.
What we believe:
* Be proactive, not reactive
* Open communication
* Always be learning
* Win as a Team
We are working on
the future of visual creativity:
Automated Creativity
Mobile Video
Machine Learning
Computer Vision
Chat Bots
Virtual Reality
Events at PicCollage officeCocoaheads Taipei, Android Taipei,
UIUX Taipei, Taiwan VR