Cold War
foundations and doctrines
Rodolfo Pilas @pilasguru
Elbio Fernandez - Nov. 21,2018

John Von Neumann
1903 - 1957
computer scientist

Little Boy
600 mts.
Aug. 6
Fat Man
469 mts.
Aug. 9, 1945

Prisioner's dilemma
you betrays other who remains silent, you will free and other 20 years in prison
both betray other, each of them servers 5 years
both remain silent, both servers 1 year in prison

Nash equilibrium
each player is assumed to know the strategies of the other player
no player has anything to gain by changing only their own strategy

Recipie for a perfect Cold War
remain still may be the best option
you must know the strategies of the enemy
change the strategy is not necessary
and ...

Mutual Assured Destruction
MAD doctrine
each side may destroy the other side
either side, if attacked for any reason would retaliate with equal or greater force
attack result is an immediate, irreversible escalation of hostilities
and both will have mutual, total, and assured destruction.
1940 to 1991
second-strike capability

von Neumann architecture

design of digital computer