Justin Dressel
Institute for Quantum Studies
Schmid College of Science and Technology
Chapman University
Advances in Operator Theory
with Applications to Mathematical Physics, Chapman 2024
With simulations by Cory Panttaja
Mesoscopic coherence of collective charge motion at \(\mu\)m scale
EM Fields of charge motion described by Circuit QED
Anharmonic oscillator potentials treated as artificial atoms
Lowest two energy levels treated as a quantum bit (qubit)
Qubit levels controlled and measured by resonant microwave field drives
Canonically conjugate dynamical variables: \([\hat{\Phi}, \hat{Q}] = i\hbar\)
inductive (magnetic) flux: \(\hat{\Phi} = \Phi_0\,\hat{\phi}\), \(\Phi_0 = \hbar/2e\)
capacitive (electric) charge: \(\hat{Q} = (2e)\,\hat{n}\)
Dimensionless conjugate variables: \( [\hat{\phi},\,\hat{n}] = i\)
Capacitor energy: \(\displaystyle \hat{H}_C = \frac{\hat{Q}^2}{2C} = E_C\,(2\hat{n})^2, \quad E_C = \frac{e^2}{2C}\)
Inductor energy: \(\displaystyle \hat{H}_L = \frac{\hat{\Phi}^2}{2L} = \frac{E_L}{2}\,\hat{\phi}^2, \qquad\; E_L = \frac{\Phi_0^2}{L}\)
Vool, U., and Devoret, M. (2017) . doi: 10.1002/cta.2359.
Branches \(b\in\mathcal{B}\) in spanning tree path that connects node \(n\) to ground through a sequence of capacitors
Correct conjugate charge to active node flux \(\phi_n\)
(\(+1\) capacitive, \(-1\) inductive)
Vool, U., and Devoret, M. (2017) . doi: 10.1002/cta.2359.
"Kinetic" energy:
"Potential" energy:
Magnetic Flux and Electric Charge
analogous to
Position and Momentum coordinates
Capacitor energy: \(\displaystyle \hat{H}_C = \frac{\hat{Q}^2}{2C} = E_C\,(2\hat{n})^2, \quad E_C = \frac{e^2}{2C}\)
Inductor energy: \(\displaystyle \hat{H}_L = \frac{\hat{\Phi}^2}{2L} = \frac{E_L}{2}\,\hat{\phi}^2, \qquad\; E_L = \frac{\Phi_0^2}{L} = \frac{(\hbar/2e)^2}{L} \)
Resonator energy: \(\displaystyle \hat{H}_r = \hat{H}_C + \hat{H}_L = E_C\,(2\hat{n})^2 + \frac{E_L}{2}\,\hat{\phi}^2 \)
Bosonic amplitude: \(\displaystyle \hat{a} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left( \frac{\hat{\Phi}}{\Phi_z} + i \frac{\hat{Q}}{Q_z} \right), \quad [\hat{\Phi},\,\hat{Q}] = i\hbar \implies [\hat{a},\,\hat{a}^\dagger] = 1 \)
Zero-point Action: \( \Phi_z\,Q_z = \hbar \), Impedance: \(\displaystyle \frac{\Phi_z}{Q_z} = \sqrt{\frac{L}{C}} \)
Dimensionless Form: \(\displaystyle \hat{a} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left( \frac{\hat{\phi}}{\sqrt{\epsilon}} + i \sqrt{\epsilon}\,\hat{n} \right), \qquad \epsilon = \sqrt{\frac{8\,E_C}{E_L}} = \frac{\Phi_z^2}{\Phi_0^2} = \frac{(2e)^2}{Q_z^2} \)
\(\displaystyle \implies \quad \hat{H}_r = \hbar\,\omega_r\,\left(\hat{a}^\dagger\hat{a} + \frac{1}{2}\right) \), Frequency: \(\displaystyle \omega_r = \frac{1}{\sqrt{LC}} = \sqrt{8\,E_C E_L} = \epsilon\,E_L \)
Josephson Junction energy: \(\displaystyle \hat{H}_J = E_J\,\left(1 - \cos\hat{\phi}\right) \approx \frac{E_J}{2}\,\hat{\phi}^2 - \frac{E_J}{4!}\hat{\phi}^4 + \cdots \)
\(\displaystyle \hat{\phi} = \frac{\hat{\Phi}}{\Phi_0}, \quad E_J = \frac{\Phi_0^2}{L_J} \) Tunnel junction introduces nonlinearity to circuit
\(\displaystyle \hat{H} = \hat{H}_C + \hat{H}_J = E_C\,(2\hat{n})^2 + E_J\,(1 - \cos\hat{\phi}) \approx \hbar\omega_p\left(\frac{1}{2} + \hat{b}^\dagger\hat{b} + \epsilon\hat{V}\right) \)
\(\displaystyle \hat{b} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left( \frac{\hat{\phi}}{\sqrt{\epsilon}} + i \sqrt{\epsilon}\,\hat{n} \right), \; \epsilon = \sqrt{\frac{8\,E_C}{E_J}}, \quad \omega_p = \frac{1}{\sqrt{L_J C}} = \sqrt{8\,E_J E_C} \)
\(\displaystyle \hat{V} = -\frac{1}{4!}\left(\frac{\hat{b}+\hat{b}^\dagger}{\sqrt{2}}\right)^4 + \frac{\epsilon}{6!}\left(\frac{\hat{b}+\hat{b}^\dagger}{\sqrt{2}}\right)^6 \) Anharmonic Perturbation
Replacing the inductor with a Josephson tunnel junction introduces nonlinearity to circuit
Cosine potential acts like an artificial atom
Distinct level spacings allow targeted control of specific pairs of levels
Frequency gaps in the microwave regime
Large capacitor protects against charge noise
Distinct behavior from optical regime with real atoms:
\(\displaystyle \hat{H} \approx E_0\,\hat{1} + \hbar\omega_q\,|1\rangle\!\langle 1| + \hbar(2\omega_q - \delta_q)\,|2\rangle\!\langle 2| \approx \frac{E_0}{2}\hat{1} - \frac{\hbar\omega_q}{2}\hat{\sigma}_z \)
Large shunt capacitor \(\displaystyle \frac{E_J}{E_C} \approx 100 \)
\(\displaystyle \hat{H} = \hat{H}_C + \hat{H}_J = E_C\,(2\hat{n})^2 + E_J\,(1 - \cos\hat{\phi}) \)
\(\displaystyle \hat{\sigma}_z = |0\rangle\langle 0| - |1\rangle\langle 1| \)
qubit subspace
Qubit Pauli Z
Qubit is on a chip inside a fridge near absolute zero.
How does one "measure the energy eigenstates" of the qubit
without causing unwanted changes to those energy states?
Indirectly peek at the qubit energy using traveling microwaves:
The energy states of the qubit can be inferred without allowing energy transitions between the qubit and readout resonator
This is an indirect "non-demolition measurement" of the qubit energy.
X-X (capacitive) coupling
Dispersive approximation:
Resonator and qubit strongly detuned
Resonator frequency acquires a shift determined by qubit energy state
(OUT: to amplifier and detector)
(IN: from signal generator)
Campagne-Ibarcq (2017)
Capacitance, Inductance per unit length
Transmission line: local quantum fields
Local traveling waves:
Global harmonic modes:
Resonator decay rate near \(\omega_r\)
Input-output (boundary) condition:
(OUT: to amplifier and detector)
(IN: from signal generator)
(OUT: to amplifier and detector)
(IN: from signal generator)
\( \langle c_{\text{in}}(t) \rangle = -i(\varepsilon(t)/\sqrt{\kappa}) \, e^{-i\omega_d t} \)
Quantum Langevin Equation (RWA):
Vacuum fluctuations
Reflected field in transmission line:
Quantum-limited on-chip amplifiers (built from Josephson junctions using their nonlinear inductance):
Outgoing signal is further amplified to enhance phase difference in steady-state resonator modes
One (informational) quadrature encodes
qubit state information as a displacement of the signal
The orthognal (phase) quadrature encodes
photon number fluctuations inside the resonator
Traveling reflected field:
Finite bandwidth detector absorbs
compact wavelet mode of field:
Exact wavelet is unimportant for short duration \(\Delta t\), but bosonic commutator must be preserved.
Amplification and loss are beamsplitter and Bogoliubov (squeezing) transformations of this mode.
\(\eta_c\): Collection inefficiency, \(G\): phase-preserving gain,
\(G_\phi\): phase-sensitive gain, \(\phi\): amplified quadrature angle, \(D\): additional (Gaussian) noise
\(\tau_m\): Measurement integration time for unit signal-to-noise ratio
\(\eta\): Net measurement inefficiency, \(\eta_c\): Collection inefficiency
\(G\): phase-preserving gain, \(G_\phi = e^r\): phase-sensitive gain, \(\phi\): amplified quadrature angle
\(D\): additional Gaussian noise
\(\kappa\): resonator decay rate, \(\Delta t\): inverse bandwidth of detector
Readout signal \(\hat{r}\) approximates complex Gaussian random variable with variance \(1/\eta\kappa\Delta t\) and mean \(\langle\hat{a}\rangle\) set by the spectrum \(\alpha\) of \(\hat{a}\).
\(r\) samples Husimi-Q distribution for each \(\alpha\) in \(\hat{\rho}\)
The \(Q\)-representation encodes eigenvalues \(\alpha\) for normally-ordered field-operator products.
The POVM \(d\hat{P}(r)\) can be evaluated and factored into a pair of Kraus operators \(\hat{M}_r\) and \(\hat{N}\)
This yields a simple prescription for both simulating measured records \(r(t)\) and updating the quantum state \(\hat{\rho}\) given a measured \(r(t)\):
For small time steps \(\Delta t\) and efficient measurements \(\eta = 1\),
this evolution becomes equivalent to stochastic non-Hermitian Hamiltonian evolution for the resonator-qubit system:
This method is simple enough that a freshman undergraduate student was able to code it up in Python.
Plots courtesy of Cory Panttaja
Regime 1:
\(2\chi/\kappa = 1\)
\(2\Omega/\kappa = 1\)
\(2\varepsilon/\kappa = 1/8\)
Plots courtesy of Cory Panttaja
Regime 2:
\(2\chi/\kappa = 1\)
\(2\Omega/\kappa = 1\)
\(2\varepsilon/\kappa = 1/2\)
Plots courtesy of Cory Panttaja
Regime 3:
\(2\chi/\kappa = 1\)
\(2\Omega/\kappa = 1\)
\(2\varepsilon/\kappa = 1\)
Plots courtesy of Cory Panttaja
Regime 4:
\(2\chi/\kappa = 1\)
\(2\Omega/\kappa = 1\)
\(2\varepsilon/\kappa = 2\)
Thank you!
And thanks to
Cory Panttaja