Automata | Memory | Time |
Deterministic | O(1) | O(#input) |
Nondeterministic | O(???) | O(#input * #regex) |
Nondeterministic #2 | O(2 ^ #regex) | O(#input) |
A match can be found in constant memory and linear time, but the expression itself might be exponential in size. Smaller expression results in more time and memory consumption.
Used in most shell programs, like grep or sed.
Not very interesting.
The form and functionality of regular expressions is modelled after the regular expression facility in the Perl 5 programming language.
Reorder arguments of setTimeout.
// In.
setTimeout(() => tree.update(pending), 100);
setTimeout(() => toast({text: 'Hello'}), 200);
setTimeout(() => refresh(() => new Date(), 100), 999);
notReallysetTimeout(() => alert('Tricky!'), 1337);
// Out.
setTimeout(100, () => tree.update(pending));
setTimeout(200, () => toast({text: 'Hello'}));
setTimeout(999, () => refresh(() => new Date(), 100));
notReallysetTimeout(() => alert('Tricky!'), 1337);
'setTimeout($2, $1);'
'setTimeout($2, $1);'
Transpile import().
// In.
const A = () => import('components/A').then(module => module.default);
const B = () => import('components/B').then(module => module.B);
const C = () => import('components/xx:yy/C').then(module => module.C);
const F = () => import('components/D/E/F').then(module => module.F);
// Out.
import {default as A} from 'components/A';
import {B as B} from 'components/B';
import {C as C} from 'components/xx:yy/C';
import {F as F} from 'components/D/E/F';
'import {$3 as $1} from $2;'
/const (.*?) = \(\) => import\((.*?)\).then\(module => module\.(.*?)\);/gm,
'import {$3 as $1} from $2;'