Coding Contest Preparation

Rainer Stropek

What is your goal?

  • Relaxed Approach
    • Have a good time and learn something new without pressure
  • Take a Challenge
    • Try to reach your personal best (fastest, most levels, etc.)

Relaxed Approach

  • You are relatively new to coding or coding challenges
  • You want to try something new (e.g. language, framework, AI)
  • You are in the mood for something "crazy"
    (e.g. Scratch, esoteric language like Piet)
  • You want to have fun with friends on a team
    (especially in teams with different levels of experience)
  • You simply don't feel like competing

Remember: The result does not matter,
you are in for the experience!

Take a Challenge

  • You want to show your capabilities (e.g. to get an internship position)
  • You want to find out what your current coding level is
  • You like competitions
  • Prepare!
    • Use a tech that you know well ➡️ training is required!
    • Use prior editions of the comp to learn more about kinds of puzzles
    • Have the starter code ready
    • Choose your work environment wisely (e.g. silent room vs. crowd)
    • Team or solo? If in a team, find the right one

Try your very best, but keep in mind:
Not all days are the same, there will always be a next time

Important Questions

  • Programming language
  • Framework
  • Development environment
  • With internet research?
  • Any AI? If AIs, which ones?


  • Quick and dirty first, clean up later
    • Not too dirty, don't get lost in chaos
    • E.g., duplicated code for different levels is ok
  • Make good use of samples with provided results
    • Use them for (automated?) testing
  • Use a console app, not a fancy UI
    • Build a fancy UI later if you want
  • Master core techniques
    • File reading and parsing
    • Text splitting
    • Iterators, map/reduce, LINQ
    • Regex, maybe with match groups

Let's get started!