A Designer's Journey Into JavaScript

By: Ricardo Zea - Full-Stack Designer
August 20, 2015
Lightning Talk - GemCity JS


A Designer's Journey into JavaScript

In the beginning there was


A Designer's Journey into JavaScript

Then I decided to become a

A Designer's Journey into JavaScript

Design + HTML & CSS

Using front-end technologies to bring designs to life.

A Designer's Journey into JavaScript

Something lurks
in the shadows...

A Designer's Journey into JavaScript


A Designer's Journey into JavaScript

      JavaScript helps me fight the bad guys!


A Designer's Journey into JavaScript

JavaScript has a MASSIVE army of scripting warriors!

Design + HTML & CSS + JavaScript

A Designer's Journey into JavaScript

A Designer's Journey into JavaScript


Design + HTML & CSS + jQuery

A Designer's Journey into JavaScript

How a designer uses jQuery:

<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script>window.jQuery || document.write('<script src="js/jquery-2.1.4.min.js"><\/script>')</script>
Call to main library
Fallback call to local library

A Designer's Journey into JavaScript

\$("${1:.selector}").method(function() {
	<!-- Optional: Set a tabTrigger to define how to trigger the snippet -->
	<!-- Optional: Set a scope to limit where the snippet will trigger -->
	<!-- <scope>source.python</scope> -->
jQuery function snippet in Sublime Text:
Tools » New Snippet...
Note the back slash in front of the $ signs. They are required but they won't be added to the snippet when used.

How a designer uses jQuery:

A Designer's Journey into JavaScript

jQuery function snippet in Sublime Text:
Tools » New Snippet...

How a designer uses jQuery:

A Designer's Journey into JavaScript


A Designer's Journey into JavaScript


A Designer's Journey into JavaScript


//Collapse dropdowns when clicked anywhere on the page or outside the dropdown itself
  var mouse_is_inside = false;
  $('.dropdown, #top-right-links, #megamenus').hover(
      mouse_is_inside=true; }, 

    if(! mouse_is_inside) 
    $('.dropdown li ul, ul#top-right-links li.product-sign-in ul, #megamenus div.menu-container').slideUp(function(){
      $('ul#top-right-links li.active').removeClass('active');
	//Top dropdowns	(including Product Sign In)
	$('.dropdown li').click(function(){
		//Fix the z-index stacking issue in IE6-7
		//Hide all other drop downs that are visible, and remove the class 'active'
		//Hide any megamenu that's currently visible
			$('.click-menu h6 span.selected').removeClass('selected');	
		//Hide the drop down from the search field if it's visible

		//Show/Hide dropdowns
		$('ul:first',this).stop(true, true).slideToggle();
	$('.click-menu h6 span').click(function(){
		//Hide any drop downs that are visible, remove the class 'active'
		$('.dropdown li ul:visible, .search-options-container').slideUp();		
		$('.dropdown li.active').removeClass('active');
		if ($(this).hasClass('selected')) {
		$(this).parent().next().stop(true, true).slideUp('slow', function() {
	} else {
		$('.click-menu h6 span').removeClass('selected');		
		$('.click-menu div.menu-container').slideUp('slow');
		$(this).parent().next().stop(true, true).slideDown();
		$("#ps-mm .col").equalHeights();
		$("#industries .col").equalHeights();
		//Close button X
			$('.click-menu div.menu-container:visible').slideUp('slow', function() {
				$('.click-menu h6 span').removeClass('selected');

	//Add the class "no-border" to columns 2, 3 and 5 in the Shop/Store megamenu
	$('#store .col:nth-child(2), #store .col:nth-child(3), #store .col:nth-child(5)').addClass('no-border');
	//Search field drop down menu
		//Hide any drop downs from the top nav and any megamenus that are visible
		$('.dropdown li ul:visible, #megamenus .menu-container:visible').slideUp(function(){
			// Remove the classes 'selected' and 'active' from the menu item
			$('#megamenus span.selected,').removeClass('selected');
			$('.dropdown li.active').removeClass('active');
		//Close button
		$('#options-list :checkbox').change(function() {
			$('#all').attr('checked', !$('#options-list :checkbox:not(:checked)').length);			
		$('#all').change(function() {
			if ($('#all').attr('checked')) {
				$('input[type=checkbox][id!=all]').attr('checked', 'checked');
			} else {
				$('input[type=checkbox][id!=all]').attr('checked', '');

	//E-mail this Page
		'titlePosition'	: 'outside',
		'transitionIn'	: 'elastic',
		'transitionOut'	: 'elastic',
		'overlayOpacity' : '0.6',
		'overlayColor' : '#000'

	//Encapsulating the Registry symbol in <sup> tags in headings since they become too large - Modified by Anoop Chauhan on 5th April
	$('h1, h3, h4, h5').each(function() {
		var $this = $(this);
		var html = escape($this.html());
		html = html.replace(/(®)/, "<sup>$1</sup>");
		html = html.replace(/(℠)/, "$1");
		html = html.replace(/%AE/, "<sup>%AE</sup>");


	/*$('#searchfield').watermark('— Search...');
	$('#publicationsfield').watermark('— Search Publications...');*/

	//New Window

		//Make all links with improper '_blank' and '_new' targets, use 'nw'
		$("a[target='_blank'], a[target='_new']").attr('target','nw');

		$(".grid_3 a[target='nw'], .grid_9 a[target='nw'], #ps-mm ul li a[target='nw'], .nwl a[target='nw'], .product-sign-in a[target='nw'], .prod-list a[target='nw'], .contact-ln a[target='nw'], .list-container a[target='nw'], .menu-container a[target='nw'], .headings-above-tabs a[target='nw']").addClass("nw");

		$(".grid_3 a[target='_blank'], .grid_9 a[target='_blank'], #ps-mm ul li a[target='_blank'], .nwl a[target='_blank'], .product-sign-in a[target='_blank'], .prod-list a[target='_blank'], .contact-ln a[target='_blank']").addClass("nw");

		$(".jp ol.grid li span a[target='_blank']").addClass("nw nw-visible");

		$(".grid_3 a[target='_new'], .grid_9 a[target='_new'], #ps-mm ul li a[target='_new'], .nwl a[target='_new'], .product-sign-in a[target='_new'], .prod-list a[target='_new'], .contact-ln a[target='_new'], .product-description a[target='_new']").addClass("nw");

		$(".jp ol.grid li span a[target='_new']").addClass("nw nw-visible");

		//Adds/Replaces the title attribute in all links that open in a new window
		$('a[target="nw"], a[target="_blank"], a[target="_new"]').not('.twitter, .facebook, .youtube, .itunes, .rss, .mobile, .linkedin, .google-plus, .social-icons').attr('title','Opens in a new window/tab');

	//Insert the background red-gray image in the top nav bar
		$('<img src="http://www.lexisnexis.com/images/bg-main-nav.gif" alt="" class="jso">').prependTo('#page-title, .red-line-divider');
		} else {
			$('<img src="http://www.lexisnexis.com/images/bg-main-red-nav.gif" alt="" class="jso">').prependTo('#page-title, .red-line-divider');
			/*$('.no-gray-line').after('<br class="clear" />');*/ //It is used for example page (31-customer-resources-example.aspx) in the mockups. So commenting this for now.

A Designer's Journey into JavaScript

Where did I learn?


That's All Folks.

By: Ricardo Zea - Full-Stack Designer
August 20, 2015
Lightning Talk - GemCity JS

A Designer's Journey Into JavaScript
