Creator of "VyAPI – A Modern Cloud Based Vulnerable Android App"
Application Security Analyst at Appsecco (@appseccouk)
Serjeant-at-arms at Garden City Toastmasters Club, Bangalore (@Toastmasters)
To provide Android security enthusiasts a platform to practice hacking a cloud-based vulnerable Android app
VyAPI is a hybrid Android app that's vulnerable by design. We call it VyAPI, because its flaws are pervasive and it communicates not just via IPC calls but API calls, too.
It's a modern cloud based vulnerable Android app
AWS Amplify CLI
AWS SDK for Android 10
Amazon Cognito
OpenJDK 1.8.0_152-release
Glide v4
Room Persistence Library
Gradle 5.1.1
Further Reading:
Further Reading:
Further Reading:
Note -
For more details visit
$ git clone
$ cd VyAPI/
What type of storage is it?
In what form is the data stored?
dz> run app.activity.start --component com.appsecco.vyapi com.appsecco.vyapi.MainActivity
dz> run app.service.start --component com.appsecco.vyapi com.appsecco.vyapi.service.PlayMusicService
dz> run app.provider.query content://com.appsecco.vyapi.ContactDBProvider/contacts/ --projection "*"
Can you intercept the secret SMS?
Where is the encryption key?
Can unauthenticated users access sensitive AWS services?
E.g., us-east-1:f0e6168e-4865-4890-97e5-489cd6106g83
dz> run app.broadcast.send --action com.appsecco.vyapi.Broadcast --extra string new_file_name dz_file1 --extra string temp_file_path etc/hosts
dz> run app.broadcast.send --action com.appsecco.vyapi.Broadcast --extra string new_file_name ../../../../../../../../../../sdcard/Android/data/com.appsecco.vyapi/files/Pictures/dz_file2 --extra string temp_file_path etc/hosts
What's Visible
What's NOT Visible
VyAPI is a cloud-based vulnerable Android app for Android security enthusisats.
To get started, you need to