"DevTools, are a set web authoring and debugging tools built into Google Chrome. The DevTools provide web developers deep access into the internals of the browser and their web application. Use the DevTools to efficiently track down layout issues, set JavaScript breakpoints, and get insights for code optimization." - Google Chrome DevTools
console.log("I am here!");
// I am here!
var a = 4;
console.log(a + 3);
// 7
var a = [{"id":1,"code": "OPEN", "openStatus": true}
, {"id":2,"code": "CLOSED", "openStatus": false}
, {"id":3,"code": "REJECTED", "openStatus": false}
$s(pNd, pValue, pDisplayValue, pSuppressChangeEvent)
apex.debug.log("Made it this far!");
apex.debug.log("ID:", $v("P10_ID");