Selenium + WebDriver
Automating Web Browsers for Fun and Profit
Ryan Hayes
What is Browser Automation?
Doing stuff in the browser you would normally do with a mouse and keyboard...just without the mouse and keyboard.
Test Automation Spectrum
- Back-end Unit tests (NUnit/XUnit/JUnit)
- JavaScript Unit Tests (QUnit/Mocha)
- Integration Tests (Nunit/XUnit/JUnit)
- UI Testing (Jake, from QA and YOU!)
Automate with Selenium!
- Write once, run everywhere (all browsers)
- Uses WebDriver (more on this in a sec..)
- Write browser tests in:
- C#!
- Java!
- Ruby!
- Python!
- JavaScript or TypeScript (!
- Run automated tests...
- ...locally!
- ...on your build/continuous integration server!
- the cloud!
Selenium + WebDriver!
Selenium Uses their WebDriver against WebDriver, which is based on WebDriver!
WebDriver could mean...:
- Selenium's WebDriver Framework
- W3C's WebDriver Spec
- Each Browser Vendor's implementation of the W3C WebDriver spec
State of Selenium
Selenium was just JavaScript injection. Now it's standard, for realzies APIs.
(We are here)
Selenium Tips
- Do
- Use the Selenium Recorder as a starting point
- Use Page Object Pattern + Fluent API
- Build a re-usable library of your own of composable actions.
- Use BrowserStack to test over Safari and older IE
- Don't
- Automate things that change often
- Think this will replace all manual testing
- Use as your only type of test