Building a Fluent API in TypeScript
Ryan Hayes
Who is Ryan?
JS/.NET Engineer
Prefer Ember to Angular and React (for big stuff)
Love TypeScript
Good at Google-ing
- Twitter: @RyannosaurusRex
- Web:
- Dat Snapchat: ItsRyanOh
- Wherever Social Medias Are Sold
What's a
Method Chaining in jQuery
Each method's return value is the updated element.
Method Chaining in Gulp
Each .pipe() is a new line of configuration.
Method Chaining is:
- Passing the the context to the next method through the return value of the previous method.
- Good for modifying a thing (changing state)
- Sequence of things that happen w/in a context
- Short, sweet, and to the point
Fluent APIs
- Basically Method Chaining
- With a hierarchy
- And Sentinel Value
- Great for
- Builder Objects
- Queries
- Configuration
- Sequences
- Bad For
- Complexity inside the API
- Can design yourself into a corner
- Most regular things
Key Tips
Be intentional about your API
TDD shines with Fluent APIs
Watch sentinel methods that rely on children (transactions)