Finding new ways of testing and validating design
My name is Florence Okoye.
I do UX and Service design. And I like to think a lot.
"Imagine a Jam session in music. You come together, bringing your instruments [and] your skills. Someone sets up a theme, and you Jam around it. You don't overanalyse it, you don't discuss it to death, you Jam. You bounce your ideas off other people, and play around with what comes back.
"The Global Jam works in just the same way. But it's not music you are Jamming - it's ideas.
Take everything as a case study
A Jam culture is built upon lived experience
Document your learnings
Make sure it's accessible for everyone to join in
Be prepared for change - culture evolves!
Prototype, prototype, prototype!
If you can't explain it,
make it!
If you can explain it, then you should definitely be able to make it!
Document your design decision flow - the branches will help generate test cases
Testing with users is a given, so try spicing it up a bit
Testing with non-users is also good to help solidify your user story
Use your design journey to spur test cases
Use tests to settle those unsettleable conversations
Treat ideas as precious resources
Don't be dismissive - let them build up
You're not going to come up with all the answers
Leave space for the designers of tomorrow
Problems also evolve - they respond to their context