Prof. Sarah Dean
MW 2:45-4pm
110 Hollister Hall
0. Announcements & Recap
1. MBRL with Query Model
2. Tabular Sample Complexity
3. LQR Sample Complexity
No lecture on Monday (Feb Break)
HW1 due 3/7
5789 Paper Review Assignment (weekly pace suggested)
Office hours after lecture M (110 Hollister) and W (416A Gates)
Consider features and labels \((x,y)\sim \mathcal D\) with \(y=f_\star(x) + w\)
Infinite horizon Tabular MDP \(\mathcal M = \{\mathcal S, \mathcal A, P, r, \gamma\}\)
Finite horizon continuous MDP \(\mathcal M = \{\mathbb R^{n_s},\mathbb R^{n_a}, f, c, H, \mu_0\}\)