CS 4/5789: Introduction to Reinforcement Learning

Lecture 25: AlphaGo Case Study

Prof. Sarah Dean

MW 2:55-4:10pm
255 Olin Hall


  • Homework
    • 5789 Paper Assignments
    • Prelim corrections due by Final
  • Final exam is Tuesday 5/14 at 2pm in Ives 305
    • Will post review slides, PSet solutions, and draft notes on MAB/Exploration


1. Recap: Units 1-3

2. Game Setting

3. Policy Learning Component

4. Value Learning Component

5. Online Planning Component

  • Unit 1:
    • Optimal Policies in MDPs: VI, PI, DP, LQR
  • Unit 2:
    • Learning Value/Q, Policies
  • Unit 3:
    • Exploration & bandits
    • Expert demonstration


1: MDPs & Optimal Policies

  • Tabular MDPs: VI, PI, and DP
  • Continuous Control: LQR via DP

action \(a_t\)

state \(s_t\)

reward \(r_t\)

policy \(\pi\)

transitions \(P,f\)

2: Policies from Data

  • Learning Value/Q Functions
  • Optimizing Policies (by estimating gradients)

action \(a_t\)

state \(s_t\)

reward \(r_t\)


data \((s_t,a_t,r_t)\)

policy \(\pi\)

transitions \(P,f\)



3A: Bandits & Exploration

  • Multi-Armed/Contextual Bandits
  • Upper Confidence Bound Algorithms

3B: Learning from Expert

Supervised Learning


Dataset of expert trajectory


\(\pi\)(       ) =

\((x=s, y=a^*)\)


inverse RL

Goal: understand/predict behaviors


1. Recap: Units 1-3

2. Game Setting

3. Policy Learning Component

4. Value Learning Component

5. Online Planning Component

AlphaGo vs. Lee Sedol



Setting: Markov Game

  • Two Player Markov Game: \(\{\mathcal S,\mathcal A, f, r, H, s_0\}\)
  • Deterministic transitions: \(s' = f(s,a)\)
  • Players alternate taking actions:
    • Player 0 in even steps, player 1 in odd steps
  • Sparse reward: \(r(s_H)=1\) when player 0 wins (else \(-1\))


Setting: Markov Game

  • Min-max formulation $$ V^*(s) =  \textcolor{red}{\max_{\pi_0} } \textcolor{yellow}{\min_{\pi_1} }\mathbb E[r(s_H)|s_0=s, \pi_1, \pi_2]$$
  • Zero sum game

Setting: Markov Game

  • Min-max formulation $$ V^*(s) =  \textcolor{red}{\max_{\pi_0} } \textcolor{yellow}{\min_{\pi_1} }\mathbb E[r(s_H)|s_0=s, \pi_1, \pi_2]$$
  • Zero sum game \(\implies\) solvable with DP!

\(V^*(s) = \max\{Q^*(s,a), Q^*(s,a')\}\) PollEv

\(Q^*(s,a) = V^*(f(s,a))\)

\(V^*(s') = \min\{Q^*(s',a), Q^*(s',a')\}\)

Setting: Markov Game

  • But \(H\approx 150\), \(A\approx 250\), so this tree will have \(\approx A^H\) nodes
  • 1 TB hard-drive can store \(\approx 250^6\) 8-bit numbers
  • Impossible to enumerate!

\(V^*(s) = \max\{Q^*(s,a), Q^*(s,a')\}\)

\(Q^*(s,a) = V^*(f(s,a))\)

\(V^*(s') = \min\{Q^*(s',a), Q^*(s',a')\}\)

Setting: Markov Game


  • Approximate \(\pi^*\), use \(\widehat \pi\) to approximate \(V^*\) as \(\widehat V\)
  • Low depth tree search combines \(\widehat V\) with simulated play \(\widehat \pi\)

\(V^*(s) = \max\{Q^*(s,a), Q^*(s,a')\}\)

\(Q^*(s,a) = V^*(f(s,a))\)

\(V^*(s') = \min\{Q^*(s',a), Q^*(s',a')\}\)


1. Recap: Units 1-3

2. Game Setting

3. Policy Learning Component

4. Value Learning Component

5. Online Planning Component

Policy Learning

Deep network with convolutional layers

  • input: 19x19 3-bit grid
  • output: distribution over grid

Imitation Learning

Warm-start policy network with expert data

  1. Sample data \((s,a)\) from human games, \(N=30\) million
  2. Log-likelihood loss function $$\min_\pi \sum_{i=1}^N -\log(\pi(a_i|s_i))$$
  3. Optimize with Stochastic Gradient Descent $$ \theta_{t+1} = \theta_t - \eta \frac{1}{|\mathcal B|} \sum_{(s,a)\in \mathcal B}-\nabla_\theta\log(\pi_\theta(a|s))$$

Imitation Learning

How well does \(\pi_{\theta_{BC}}\) perform?

  • 57% accuracy on held out test
    • random policy: 1/200
  • Pachi: open source Go program
    • 11% win rate

Policy Gradient

  1. Warm-start \(\theta_0 = \theta_{BC}\)
  2. Iterate for \(t=0,...,T-1\)
    1. Randomly select previous \(\tau \in \{0,1..., t\}\)
    2. Play \(\pi_{\theta_t}\) against \(\pi_{\theta_\tau}\) and observe \((s_0,\)\(a_0\)\(,s_1,\)\(a_1\)\(,...,s_H)\)
    3. Gradient update: $$\theta_{t+1} = \theta_t + \eta \sum_{h=0 }^{H/2}\nabla_\theta \log \pi_{\theta_t}(\textcolor{red}{a_{2h}}|s_{2h}) r(s_H)$$


Policy Gradient


How well does \(\widehat \pi = \pi_{\theta_{PG}}\) perform?

  • Pachi: open source Go program
    • 85% win rate


1. Recap: Units 1-3

2. Game Setting

3. Policy Learning Component

4. Value Learning Component

5. Online Planning Component

Value Learning

Deep network with convolutional layers

  • input: 19x19 3-bit grid
  • output: scalar value

Value Learning

  • Ideally, approximate \(\widehat V \approx V^*\)
    • easier to supervise \(\widehat V \approx V^{\widehat \pi}\) $$V^{\widehat \pi}(s) = \mathbb E[s(r_H)|s_0=s, \widehat \pi, \widehat \pi]$$
  • Supervision via rollouts
    • In each game \(i\), sample \(h\) and set \(s_i=s_h\) and \(y_i\) as the game's outcome (\(\pm 1\))
    • Simulate \(N=30\) million games
    • IID sampling \(s\sim d^{\widehat \pi}\)


Value Learning

  • Least-squares regression $$\min_\beta \sum_{i=1}^N (V_\beta(s_i) - y_i)^2$$
  • Optimize with SGD $$\beta_{t+1} = \beta_t - \eta \sum_{s,z\in\mathcal B} (V_{\beta}(s) - y) \nabla_\beta V_\beta(s)$$


1. Recap: Units 1-3

2. Game Setting

3. Policy Learning Component

4. Value Learning Component

5. Online Planning Component

Combination with Search

\(a_t = \arg\max \widehat V(f(s_t,a))\)

\(a_t = \widehat \pi(s_t)\)

Both are only approximations!

Combination with Search

\(\widehat V(f(s,a))\)

1. Low depth search: use knowledge of dynamics

\(a_t = \arg\max \widehat V(f(s_t,a))\)

\(=\widehat V(s')\)

Combination with Search


1. Low depth search: use knowledge of dynamics



\(\widehat V(s''')\)

Combination with Search

\(a_t = \)\(\arg\max_a\)\( \min_{a'} \)\(\max_{a''}\)\( \widehat V(f(f(f(s_t,a),a'),a''))\)


1. Low depth search: use knowledge of dynamics



\(\widehat V(s''')\)

Combination with Search


2. Improve value estimate with rollout



\(\lambda \widehat V(s''') + (1-\lambda) r\)




Combination with Search

3. Adaptive depth tree search

Monte-Carlo Tree Search (Classic AI)

expand promising or under-explored nodes

backprop node values from expansion

Combination with Search

  1. Low adaptive depth tree search with \(\widehat V\)
  2. Improve value estimate with rollout of \(\widehat \pi\)


  1. Learning:
    1. Warm start policy with imitation learning
    2. Improve policy with policy gradient
    3. Approximate value of policy
  2. Planning:
    1. Adaptive tree search with \(\widehat V\) and \(\widehat \pi\)

AlphaGo vs. Lee Sedol


  • AlphaGo Zero (2017)
    • Replaces imitation learning with random exploration
    • Uses MCTS during self-play
    • Single network for policy and value
  • AlphaZero (2018)
    • Generalizes beyond Go to Chess and Shogi
    • Removes Go-specific design elements (e.g. symmetry)
  • MuZero (2020)
    • Generalizes to Atari by not requiring dynamics \(f\)
    • Past observations \(o_{1:t}\) and hypothetical future actions \(a_{t:t+k}\) are inputs to a single policy/value network

To Alpha(Go) Zero and Mu Zero

"Real world" considerations