a distributed data cooperative
for sharing animal locations (including in real time)
across the Salish Sea & the range of the
Southern Resident killer whales (California to Alaska)
CO-AUTHORS: Veirs S 1 , Palamar M 2 , Lee Jenni G 2 , Byrne N 4 , Ince P 4 , Alaydrus A 4 ,
Zetterlind V 3 , Lemire Brooks A 5 , Berta S 5 , Garrett H 5 , Veirs V 1 , Richburg D 3
1 Beam Reach, WA, USA; 2 Resolve Conservation, USA; 3 Conserve.io, USA; 4 Type Human, Australia; 5 Orca Network, WA, USA
Flower, Aquila, "Salish Sea Population Density" (2021). Salish Sea Maps. 9.
Eurobird portal (120k volunteers; 105 species)
Oceanographic models span the Salish Sea, now with 3-day forecasts
e.g. LiveOcean (Univ. WA)
# Acartia
New views of
the ecosystem:
Phase 1: Orca Network, Orcasound, PSEMP/MMWG
Ruth Joy & Marine Randon, SFU
Quayle Consulting / SGIWSN
Orcasound shifts to open source & open access data
Whale Alert integrates visual and acoustic data for North Atlantic Right Whales on East Coast
Resolve Conservation & Orca Network discuss new tech for democratizing data;
Proposal to PSEMP
TypeHuman builds Acartia prototype integrating with Conserve.io apps;
Proposal to PSP
Orca Network sees explosive growth in data sharing (movement on Facebook, not just presence)
Beta-testing by Orcasound and Orca Network continues;
API documentation
Admiralty Inlet & south
Salish Sea + SRKW range?
# Acartia
You're invited!
Phase 1 data flow
Acartia.io is now an operational prototype
<-- Provenance &
Governance -->
Acartia has preliminary data density views (rapid growth 2020-22)
Feb-Apr 2020
Feb-Apr 2021
Feb-Apr 2022
# Acartia
Acartia is a demonstration of distributed (not centralized)
Web3 technologies:
Server-client model
Peer-to-peer model
+ IPFS PubSub
# Acartia