JAMA: 10 cm below the tibial tuberosity, difference >3 cm

I can't breathe



Differential for SOB

  • Pneumonia
  • Pulmonary Embolism
  • COPD
  • Pulmonary Hypertension
  • ACS
  • Heart Failure

Modified Well's Score

How good is it?

  • ~20% of people in the "high risk" went on to have PE
  • 0.5% of people in the low risk went on to have PE in the next 3 months

Some other clues?

ECG Changes:

-Sinus Tachy ~44% of patients

RV strain pattern ~34%

Non-specific ST changes ~50% of patients

Use of the Well's Score

Diagnosed PE!


X-Ray Images

X-Ray Images

Fleischner sign (enlarged pulmonary artery)

X-Ray Images

X-Ray Images

  • sensitivity: ~14%
  • specificity: ~92%
  • positive predictive value: ~38%
  • negative predictive value: ~76%
  • sensitivity: ~22%
  • specificity: ~82%
  • positive predictive value: ~29%
  • negative predictive value: ~76%
  • sensitivity: ~22%
  • specificity: ~82%
  • positive predictive value: ~29%
  • negative predictive value: ~76%

Hampton's Hump

Can this patient go home?

PESI Model

PESI Risk Model


Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2005 Oct 15; 172(8): 1041–1046.

PESI Risk - Mortality

Class I - II can go home if no other factors would keep them in hospital

Duration of Treatment 

  • Transient risk factor within 3 months of being dx: 3- 6 months
    • surgery;
    • hospitalization;
    • plaster cast immobilization;
    • hormonal therapy;
    • pregnancy;
    • flight of > 8 hours;
    • recent leg injury;
    • medical illness with immobilization.

Patients with provided VTE: 



  • At least 3 months
  • 1st unprovoked DVT or PE:
    • 10% recurrence in 1st year, 30% in 5 years and 50% in 10 years

Patients with Persistent Risk Facts - Indefinite anticoagulation

  • Active cancer
  • Antiphospholipid Ab +
  • High risk anti-thrombin

Thrombosis Canada

But why did they get a PE?

- CBC, Ca, LFTs, U/a

- Do NOT do routine thrombophilia testing

Indicated for: VTE < 50 yo, unusual site, during pregnancy, while on e-OCP, FHx VTE < 50 yo

-Age related Cancer Screening

Thrombophilia Work-up

  • Factor V Leiden mutation
    • Activated protein C resistance assay
  • Prothrombin G20210A mutation
  • Protein S deficiency
  • Lupus anticoagulant 
  • Anticardiolipin