Conférences ISN
Sébastien Lerique / 16 mai 2018
Google Books Ngrams Viewer
Les contenus évoluent
Le langage et les langues évoluent aussi (cf. Darwin, 1871)
Évolution des contenus
Évolution du langage
Diffusion & mutations sur Facebook
Biais cognitifs dans les substitutions dans des blogs
Structure des reformulations dans un « téléphone arabe » à grande échelle
Évolution du vocabulaire
Émergence de signes
Croisement perceptuel
Adamic et al. (2016)
Diffusion initiale
Forêt phylogénétique
Kroeber, 1943
Dawkins, 1976
Boyd & Richerson, 1988
Sperber, 1996
Adamic et al. (2016)
« No one should die because they cannot afford health care and no one should go broke because they get sick. If you agree please post this as your status for the rest of the day. »
Corpus de citations tirées d'un grand nombre de billets de blog (8.5m)
Août '08 à avril '09 (Leskovec et al., 2009)
Groupes (et dynamique) des citations
Groupes | 71.6k | 45.7k |
Citations | 310k | 128k |
Occurrences | 8.16m | 2.43m |
McCain, Sénateur US :
“I admire Senator Obama and his accomplishments”
\(\rightarrow\) “I respect Senator Obama and his accomplishments”
Asif Ali Zardari, président pakistanais :
“we will not be scared of these cowards”
\(\rightarrow\) “we will not be afraid of these cowards”
“This crisis did not develop overnight and it will not be solved overnight”
Président Bush
“This crisis did not develop overnight and it will not be solved overnight”
Président Bush
“This problem did not develop overnight and it will not be solved overnight”
temps de lecture/écriture \(\propto\) nombre de mots
Le paradigme des chaînes de transmission
At Dover, the finale of the bailiffs' convention. Their duties, said a speaker, are "delicate, dangerous, and insufficiently compensated."
depth in branch
At Dover, the finale of the bailiffs convention,their duty said a speaker are delicate, dangerous and detailed
At Dover, at a Bailiffs convention. a speaker said that their duty was to patience, and determination
In Dover, at a Bailiffs convention, the speaker said that their duty was to patience.
In Dover, at a Bailiffs Convention, the speak said their duty was to patience
At Dover, the finale of the bailiffs' convention. Their duties, said a speaker, are "delicate, dangerous, and insufficiently compensated."
At Dover, the finale of the bailiffs convention,their duty said a speaker are delicate, dangerous and detailed
Grammaire de transformations
Transformations sémantiques ?
Moussaïd et al. (2015)
\(\Rightarrow\) Réduire et décomposer la complexité de chaque composant en parallèle
Structure formelle
Chomsky, Wittgenstein \(\lt\) 1952, sémantique formelle/logique
Usage des formes
Millikan, Wittgenstein \(\geq\) 1952, énactivistes, réseaux neuronaux & apprentissage statistique
Interaction entre participants
Formes (signes)
Tamariz (2017)
Cornish et al. (2013)
Fay et al. (2010)
Tamariz (2017)
Apprentissage itéré du langage
Alignement interactif
Galantucci (2005)
Version coopérative
Clic unique par session
De Jaegher et al. (2010)
Auvray et al. (2009)
Froese et al. (2014)
Interactions minimales auto-structurées
Linguistique expérimentale sur le web
Évolution des contenus
Évolution du langage
Régularités des transformations en chaînes de transmission
Mutations mémétiques
Substitutions cognitivement biaisées de mots individuels
Évolution du vocabulaire
Émergence de signes dans l'interaction
Croisements perceptuels menant à une interaction structurée
Complexité des transformations étudiées
Importance et simplicité de l'interaction
Contrôle du design expérimental
Flexibilité du recrutement des participants
Cycle court de collecte de données
Massivement interactif
Défis techniques
Contrôle du spam
Coût du recrutement
Données tirées du web
Expériences dans le navigateur
Direction & collaboration
Jean-Pierre Nadal & Camille Roth
Inria & Académie de Grenoble
Vous !
Time: continuous / discrete
Source: all / majority
Past: all / last bin
Destination: all / exclude past
Time: continuous / discrete
Source: all / majority
Past: all / last bin
Destination: all / exclude past
6177 substitutions
Needleman and Wunsch (1970)
| ||
Finding her son, Alvin, 69, hanged, Mrs Hunt, of Brighton, was so depressed she could not cut him down
Finding her son Arthur 69 hanged Mrs Brown from Brighton was so upset she could not cut him down
Finding her son Alvin 69 hanged Mrs Hunt of - - Brighton, was so depressed she could not cut him down
Finding her son Arthur 69 hanged Mrs - - Brown from Brighton was so upset she could not cut him down
Apply to utterances using NLP
At Dover, the finale of the bailiffs convention, their duty said a speaker are delicate, dangerous and detailed
At Dover, at a Bailiffs convention. a speaker said that their duty was to patience, and determination
At Dover the finale of the - - bailiffs convention - - - - their duty At Dover - - - - at a Bailiffs convention a speaker said that their duty said a speaker are delicate dangerous - - - and detailed - - - - - - - was to patience and - determination
At Dover the finale of the - - bailiffs convention |-Exchange-1------| their duty
At Dover - - - - at a Bailiffs convention a speaker said that their duty
said a speaker are delicate dangerous - - - and detailed -
|-Exchange-1------------------------| was to patience and - determination
said a speaker are delicate dangerous |-E2----|
|E2| a speaker - - - said that
said -
said that
\(\hookrightarrow E_1\)
\(\hookrightarrow E_2\)
Extend to build recursive deep alignments
Insertion-deletion chunks
Bursts in branches
Can you think of anything else, Barbara, they might have told me about that party?
I've spoken to the other children who were there that day.
The Devil's Advocate (1997)
Strong pragmatics (Scott-Phillips, 2017)
Access to context
Theory of the constitution of meaning