Web Directions Code, 2019-06-20
Read these slides on your own device:
Chief Data Officer & co-founder, npm Inc.
I'm not actually sorry.
26,000% growth since 2014
But it's not free.
A thing that steals data?
A thing that takes your site down?
Even if nobody gets hurt.
At least, not for this kind of money.
Registry uptime 2016-present:
and less than 0.005% of packages (because we delete them)
~99% of vulnerable JavaScript is from outdated dependencies
a security analysis
at 8 of the world's biggest banks
Please do not bother to write down the URL above. These slides are at slides.com/seldo/securing-javascript
Package name transfers are usually very friendly!
He turned out to have a LOT of toys.
Ok, the purpose of this license is simple and you just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO.
This is the full text of the WTFPL.
supported by Node.js and every browser except Internet Explorer
We hadn't seen one before!
"I'm definitely not a threat."
335,775,921 audits last 30 days
npm config set audit-level severe
From the npm Registry and GitHub
β¨ mAcHiNe LeArNiNg β¨
Do not get me started about the blockchain.
They really are out to get you.
Slides available: