Hack Reactor, 2018-04-05
These slides are available at
Laurie Voss
I may also include sarcastic remarks down here.
A: Twitter, America's most trusted source for real facts.
More on Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect
Dunning & Kruger won the Ig Nobel prize for psychology in 2000, but this is really useful stuff.
Are you even old enough to remember this movie?
git or GTFO
All hail Sir Tim.
is what a web app feels like, not what it looks like
is the same as
Beware the hashbang!
Nobody uses carousels:
Links go places, buttons do things
Spatial memory is a thing
Performance is invisible UX.
is not optional
3.4% of web users have limited vision:
Guide to accessibility:
There is no one true database.
Best database ever.
Memory across machines
Memcache that persists.
I have to stop making fun of Mongo.
(by which we mean MariaDB)
Get somebody else to run it for you.
Mo' money, less problems.
Great for search. Not a database.
A scaling strategy, not a backup strategy.
Are not real unless you test them.
Because people are terrible sometimes.
Regular expressions are really hard and really worthwhile.
is usually not worth your time
is another type of speed
CDNs are magical
Cram every damn thing into memory
But ask me why TDD is a bad idea
Make the intern do it
"What happens if I put emoji in here?"
Don't copy code you don't understand.
"What does this button do?"
If you don't know how you fixed it,
you didn't really fix it.
Bad code everyone loves is better than beautiful code nobody uses.
Having any pattern is better than not having a pattern
DRY = Don't Repeat Yourself
is a bullshit term.
These are the hardest skills.
"people will forget what you said,
people will forget what you did,
but people will never forget
how you made them feel."
Maya Angelou
"Hey, you guys need any Cold Fusion done?"
How to find and get a job (by @jewelia)
How to interview other people:
by ganging up
The long version:
Holy crap it seemed like he would never shut up
Now would be good time to follow me on Twitter!
Good questions get socks!
These slides are at: