Blogging Health Check 1

Current Grade

My first progress grade that I had received for my blog was a B grade of 15 marks. I am very pleased with this mark as I was blogging continuously and putting a lot of effort into it. I hope to continue to reach my potential and blog daily, in order to keep on top of blogging.


  • Use of ICT generally is very good
  • Evidence of some detailed work - blog tasks 11 and 4
  • The examples of music videos that you have chosen work well to support your understanding
  • Most tasks are completed
  • Time management and frequency of posting to the blog is very good


  • The posts are always consistent in detail - for example blogs 8, 9 and 12 are very brief and not as good as standard as blogs 11, 7 and 4 in comparison.


As I only have one main weakness this suggests that I am reaching my potential and continuously keeping up with the blog posts. This also suggests that I am producing good work and should aim to increase my mark into level 4.


  • Maintain all the strengths that you currently demonstrate in your blogging as you have developed some good habits and these are key in attaining a good mark in this unit.
  • Ensure that all of your blogs are of similar quality and are as detailed and developed as they can be; always provide some form of introduction or context to each post to say why you are doing it, what you hope to find out and always offer some evaluation to indicate what you have learnt or understood as a result and how it is useful for your own learning and development and music video.