Analysis of previous ancillary work

Haze - Say Something

There were numerous strengths that this particular digi-pak portrayed. For example, the colour scheme of pink was really emphasised, the neon signs were very vibrant and visible, the big hoop earrings were a part of the outfits, the lip outline motif and pink smoke bombs throughout the music video and ancillary are really effective and creates a stronger synergy link; along with the hoop earrings and colour pink. Additionally, the font was the same throughout both sides of the digi-pak as it flows onto on another nicely. The list of songs also incorporate the same font as well as a sign lights sign 'bonus tracks' to emphasis the neon lights link. Furthermore, the labels that are on the digi-pak such as: barcode, record label, fine print, song title, artist name, etc are common conventions of digi-paks and therefore are portrayed well here in particular.

Haze - Say Something

Moreover, the digi-pak also displayed a few weaknesses. This consisted: outfit choice as the 'white top' was not the main outfit featured and also the angle of the artists face on the front cover was also not a signified angle feature as we saw more close ups and mid-shots. However, overall the digi-pak really emphasised various synergy links across the music video and ancillary products.

The white top

Side angle of artists face

Kim - After Light

In contrast to the previous digi-pak, this one in particular displays a lot of flaws. This is because the level of detail and quality is much lower. For example, the artists hair length in the ancillary (shorter) is different to the music video (longer), outfit on the ancillary is not any of the outfits in the music video, the location displayed on the ancillary also doesn't appear in the music video and the artists expressions does not match the tone/mood in the music video, as she's happy on the ancillary and serious in the music video. Furthermore, there is too many different fonts throughout both ancillary products such as the artists name 'KIM'.

Kim - After Light

Furthermore, the strength of this music video is the clear synergy link of the 'studded hat'.