Our Idea


Our idea for our music video stemmed from our genre which is indie pop. We tried to incorporate connotations from the genre indie pop into our music video so that the viewer can easily identify the genre of our video. Additionally, we also mixed our ideas from existing videos from the same genre. This includes artists such as: Ellie Goulding, Ella Henderson, Lorde, and Halsey.


Indie pop music videos tend to have a equal split between narrative and performance base scene. Therefore we have mirrored this technique to further emphasis our genre. Another, convention is that setting and costume play a key role in this particular genre. Costumes tend to have a retro/vintage look to give the artist a unique look. Settings are normally placed in studios, cities or outside/nature, as they are easy to access and add mystery to the video. Props also emphasis the indie genre as instruments are often features in videos to show that the artist create their own music.

The camerawork in indie music videos have a lot of close up shots to introduce the star and make a connection with the viewers. In our music video we are going to replicate this to make our video look more professional and real. However, we are going to use a range of different shot types and movements to visually keep the viewer engaged with the music video throughout. This will be shown through base tracks that are referred to throughout the video to show the link of the concept of time to amplify the song title 'Borrowed Time'.

Furthermore, the personality we've chosen to represent our artist 'Sophie' is as a down to earth, sweet but sassy, happy and humble women. We wanted to portray this into out music video to help make that connection with the viewers.

Andrew Goodwin's Theory

Goodwin's theory applies to our music video because we are using the artist as both character and performer which are often done in pop music videos. We will also have our artist look directly at the camera to involve the viewer at home to break down the fourth wall. This action of looking into the camera will also represent female dominance and authority which tend to not be often shown in the music industry.

Moreover, our video will have lots of repeated base tracks throughout as it is a common feature of a pop music video. For example, the repetition of the chorus 'Are we in the hands of borrowed time?' will familiarise the viewer of the song as we will cut to the same base track of our artist 'Sophie' in the studio.

The type of video we chose to replicate is a combination of illustration and amplification which relates back to Goodwin's theory. We chose these two types because it best suited our genre therefore the potential of the video would have more freedom.