The Enslaved People Owned and Sold by the Maryland Province Jesuits
Sharon M. Leon
Villanova University | March 18, 2019
all our married people who had married out of our farms, have been sold to the masters of their husbands or wifes, or to the next neighbors of them, so that husbands & wives are together, but some children who could not be sold with their mothers, have been sent with the others to Louisiana. There remain in our farms only few old people, well provided for their life times. So old Isaac remained at W. Marsh
Fidelis Grivel to Charles Lancaster, May 4, 1839
[1802 Dr St. Thomas's Manor in acct with Cash]
26 To cash from Henny for 3 barrels corn @ $2 6.00 2.5.0
April 22 To Cash recd for sale of negro Constant, property of N.L. Sewall's estate 101.10.0
[opposite folio 1802 Contra Cr.]
10 By do to do (the Taylor C. Layman) for making a servant's great coat 0.12.6
April 22 By Do [cash] to Mrs. Dorothy Digges for negro woman Jenny & her child 85.0.0
Estate | Total Enslaved | Workers | Indoors | Fields | Child/Elderly |
St. Inigoe's Manor | 20 | 12 | 3 | 9 | 8 |
Newtown | 29 | 15 | 3 | 12 | 14 |
St. Thomas's Manor | 38 | 21 | 3 | 18 | 17 |
White Marsh | 65 | 29 | 3 | 26 | 36 |
St. Joseph's Manor | 7 | 5 | 1 | 4 | 2 |
St. Marie's Manor | 7 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 3 |
Bohemia Manor | 26 | 15 | 3 | 12 | 11 |
Total | 192 | 101 | 17 | 84 | 91 |
January 1792
2. .... Cut out the Negroes Cloths, having got the cloth from the fuller only last Friday.....
N.B. Yesterday I engaged my overseer on a fixed yearly salary instead of a certain share of the crop, as he had hitherto been, according to the agreement with my predecessor.
3. (Tues.) Two hands
7. (Sat.) Hands cutting wood.
9. (Mond.) Two hands cutting wood; the others husking corn. [continues through month and February]
Robert Molyneux, SJ, Bohemia Manor
March 1792....
7. (Wed.) Finished the coal house, & hauled poles to make a shoeing shed.
May 1792.....
31. (Thurs.) The Quarter boys had this day given them, to work at their patches.
June 1792....
4. (Mond.) Half the home hands had this day to work at their patches.
5. (Tues.) The rest of the home hands had this day to work at their patches.
Robert Molyneux, SJ, Bohemia Manor
[May 1794]
29 By 1
June 7 By
16 By cash paid to Clement Wheeler for <strike>Lawyer's fee</strike> traveling <strike>3.0.0 <strike>
expenses against freedom of negros 1.2.6
July 5 By cash paid to Charles in full for his ditching 0.18.11
8 By Cash paid to Jerry, Dick & George for ditching & c in full 2.0.3 1/2
10 By cash
St. Thomas's Manor Account Book
This agreement made between the Revd. Francis Neale of St. Thomas's Manor ..., and Mrs. Elizabeth Norris of Ceder Point neck..., showeth that he ... has engaged Mrs. Elizabeth Norris to execute all the weaving that is wanted for the Manor and to take under her
[c. 1820]
1. to dispose for a limited time of the greatest part of the blacks on the different plantations appertaining to the select body.
2. To proceed gradually and with due attention to law in the execution of this resolve and not to offer too many for sale at one time.
3. The Representatives of the district, with the managers of the different plantations, shall select the blacks to be disposed of in such proportions the number to be sold at any time and the term of years for which they are to be sold.
June 1814