Sidney Bell - CZI Foundation, Science Initiative
@sidneymbell (everywhere)
October 2023
Motivation & goals
Overview of framework components
Overview of draft archetypes
Next steps & discussion
“There isn't a single model there. You have to sort of say, ‘What's the right interaction mode with the community you're dealing with and what supports your objectives?”
"I don't think [people] have a very good perspective on what it even means... Just because you go build in a public GitHub repo and slap a MIT or Apache license on's not the same thing as when people talk about open source being a force in the world."
"So, they [Python, Linux] somehow built a movement appropriate for the size of their problem. And so to me, I don't look at a lot of the stuff in science, which is always going to be by its very nature, kind of very small scale and nichey and never get a lot of momentum, both because of the size of the ecosystem and the use cases, but also just because it obsoletes itself very quickly. I see that as very distinct from the big platform building open source world. It's just a completely different thing."
Teams can articulate different models of OSS development in science and which one makes sense for their strategic goals
Teams have the strategic guidance they need to incorporate their OSS model(s) into their roadmaps & long-term sustainability plans
Teams start to integrate the most relevant OSS
best practices for them into their workflows
Build a holistic understanding of which OSS practices are key to setting your project up for success; take inventory of strengths & opportunities
2: Self Assessment
Make a concrete plan to bring your goals & your practices into alignment
3: Growth Plan
For each component of your project, identify which OSS Archetype aligns with your
strategic goals
1: OSS Archetypes
Based on the Mozilla archetypes, adapted for scientific software
See the full matrix here
We use the OSS Needs Assessment because it is clear, actionable and pragmatic.
There are no wrong answers. A higher score is not always “better.”
Holistic evaluation of the alignment between your goals & your practices.
SWOT analysis workshop
(strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats)
Feedback requested! Especially:
- Clarify and differentiation
- Practices
- Examples
- Metrics
Hosted applications with a single canonical instance
Controlled ecosystem
Core + plug-in model
Projects with multiple formal host institutions; often larger in scale
Scientific Library
/ Pipeline
More mature specialized projects where any expert can contribute
Rocket ship to Alpha Centauri
More mature projects still owned
by the founder
Rocket ship to
the moon
Prototypes with rapid iteration
by the founder
Democratic projects open to anyone
"Might as well" make it open
(abandoned rocket ships)
Hosted applications with a single canonical instance
Democratizing access to analysis tools / data (often via a centralized GUI), which may have a standard setting effect for a field. |
Nextstrain (web)
UCSC Genome Browser
Prototypes with rapid iteration by the founder
Fast and focused development to test a scientific or technological hypothesis. |
Seurat (early days)
More mature projects still owned by the founder
Fast and focused development of a high-confidence solution to a high-priority problem. |
Seurat (now)
More mature specialized project where any expert may contribute
Pool development efforts to solve shared core problems & standardize analysis. |
Democratic projects open to anyone
Large-scale collaboration; community can become self-sustaining |
Pandas, numpy