RSE survey

Simon Hettrick

12 May 2022 - Netherlands RSE   @sjh5000     ORCID: 0000-0002-6809-5195

We all know RSes

But do you know them

History of the survey

Before we get into it, let's just point out what you can do to help and to help yourself with the data we collect


Ask not what you can do for...

Are they happy and recognised


satisfaction and recognition


People like the career


And they could move...


Perceived employability


So they're staying for a reason


As shown by wanting to stay in the role, even though the promotion is difficult

Progression in current role

Why do they stay?


Furthering research



Who are RSEs?


54% have PhD (71% in UK)


Where they come from >10% responses

Physical sciences 28%, Info and computer science 22%, Earth sciences 16%, Engineering 13%


Where they work >10% responses

Information and computing sciences
Biomedical and clinical sciences
Biological sciences
Earth sciences
Physical sciences
Health sciences
Language, communication and culture
Built environment and design
Human society
Chemical sciences
Environmental sciences
History, heritage and archaeology
Commerce, management, tourism and services

What are they called?


Other research 201
Other software role 166
Other senior 78
Postdoc 67
RSE 39
Data scientist/analyst 39
PhD 36
Prof and A Prof 18
Head of RSE 11
Technician 2



Another 30 are RSEs in informal job title only

Time spent on activities and time people wish to spend on them

Thank you!

@sjh5000 - ORCID: 0000-0002-6809-5195


 © Simon Hettrick. These slides are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International :

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The Software Sustainability Institute is supported by the UK Research Councils through grants EP/H043160/1, EP/N006410/1 and EP/S021779/1, with additional project funding from Jisc  A collaboration between the universities of Edinburgh, Manchester, Oxford and Southampton.