Building a globally unrivalled environment for the development of software

Alys Brett, Neil Chue Hong, James Hetherington,

Simon Hettrick, Barbara Montanari and Christopher Woods.

3. An environment to build world-leading skills in software

  • Recognising software as important, e.g. REF
  • Improve funding effectiveness, e.g. landscape analysis
  • Funding to meet challenges, e.g. challenge fund
  • Support software over lifetime, e.g. algorithm dev, mid-life, community codes, products
  • Increase expertise availability, e.g. world-leading RSE Facility, new communities
  • Develop skills, e.g. computational research fund, training funds

1. A policy environment that recognises and rewards software

2. A funding environment to extract value from software


3. Skills

  • Policy must keep pace with rapid developments in field (Cloud)
  • Skills needed to steer policy (AAAI, Network)
  • Software as infrastructure (Data: Software RDI)
  • Software investment is vital (SC: recs. 5 & 7)
  • Predictable funding (Cloud, SC)
  • New algorithms and techniques fund (Data, SC)
  • Skills and retention (general RSE & ResOps: Cloud; HPC: SC, RSEs: Data)
  • Meet demand for expertise (Cloud, SC, AAAI)
  • New communities (Cloud: working group, ResOps; SC: RSEs; Data: data professionals)

1. Policy

2. Funding

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