Interactive Microrobotics

novel scientific instruments for biology


ISIR - Sorbonne Université

L'Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique

Paris, France

ISIR - Sorbonne Université

L'Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique

Permanent Staff:

  • 41 professors
  • 16 researchers
  • 10 Administrative + technical staff

Non permanent staff, typically:

  • 120 PhD students
  • 20 postdocs, engineers, support staff
  • 10 affiliated members (emeritus, visitors, etc.)
  • 70 interns, yearly

Multi-Scale Interactions Lab


Mokrane Boudaoud

David Gueorguiev

Sinan Haliyo

Vincent Hayward

Stéphane Régnier

Gilles Bailly

Edison Gerena

Baptiste Caramiaux

Julien Gori

8  permanent researchers + 15 PhD students + 4 Post-Doc/Ing/others

Robotic tools
for microscale

Effectors, grippers, probes,

actuators, sensors

Human—Machine Interfaces

Observation & Interaction

Usability, adaptation, skill acquisition

Micromanipulation in prehistory

Haliyo et al, Adhesion based dynamic micro-manipulation. European Journal of Mechanics - 2003
Xie, Haliyo, Regnier. Parallel imaging/manipulation force microscopy. Applied Physics Letters, 2009

How to improve user implication for better task efficiency ?

Leverage human sensorimotor skill in the control loop

Force-feedback teleoperation

Teleoperated micromanipulation

Venture et al Force-feedback micromanipulation with unconditionally stable coupling.IEEE/RSJ IROS 2005
Bolopion et al. Tuning the gains of haptic coupling in nanorobotics. 2009 IEEE ICRA, 2009

Haptic Microscopy

High Fidelity Force-sensing

Transparent haptic rendering

Extending the sense of touch to the microscale


  • Direct 1 dof sensing
  • Closed loop active control
  • Electrostatic actuation
  • Contactless
  • Linear behavior

Ousaid et al, IEEE  Systems and Control, 2013

High-Fidelity Haptics

  • Nil mass

  • Infinite Stiffness

Hybrid actuation profiles

Eliminate the inertia

Increase the torque

C_{OUT} = C_{petit} + b \times (\omega_{petit} - \omega_{grand})

Ousaid et al, IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics, 2015

 Ousaid et al, PloS one 2014

Linear upscaling of interaction forces x10000

Ousaid et al, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2019

Haptic feedback facilitates injection

In-vitro manipulation of biologic samples / single-cell

Experimental biology


  • Biochemical & biophysics research
  • Clinical studies
  • Pharmaceutical evaluation of
  • Transgenetics, stem cells
  • In-vitro fertilization
  • Cellular diagnostic, toxicity analysis...


Required functions

  • Transport: translate / rotate
  • Interacting cells / bacteria / tumors...
  • Mechanical, electrical, chemical  characterizations
  • Injection & Extraction

In-vitro manipulation of biologic samples

  Mechanical manipulators and pipettes

  • Pipette and injector holders
  • Linear stages in serial configuration
  • Mechanical action through direct contact
  • Open chambers / petri dishes

Global Market on micromanipulation for bio
    hospitals, clinics & research labs

  • Estimated volume 200M€ to 450M€ (2026)
  • CAGR around 22% ( stats from 2018 / 2019)
  • Hard competition but similar architectures (~10 companies)
  • Selling differences:
    • User interfaces, ergonomics
    • Workflow & microscope integration


  Mechanical manipulators and pipettes

  Weakness of current solutions


Lack of skilled labor & Low evolution of tools in last 40 years

  • Rudimentary interfaces

  • Technical expertise and manual dexterity

  • High training cost of lab technicians


Techniques poorly adapted to new needs:

  • Full containment and environmental control
  • Lab-on-chip, microfluidic chips
  • Accurate access to an isolated specimen / single cell
  • Data collection

Robotic Optical Tweezers

  • A tightly focused laser beam to trap micro objects (1 - 5 µm)
  • Non-contact multi object manipulation in liquid
  • Laser wavelength : 1070nm
  • Laser power: 400mW

3D force measurement  :

  • Position tracking with an Event-Camera
  • ~ 10 pn resolution, 300 pN max
  • 300 Hz / 1 kHz bandwidth



3D motion and sensing

The "robot" is the laser path actuated with active Optical components and 3DoF sample-holder

Multitrap OPTOBOTS

Gerena et al, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2019

Force-sensing Optobot

Deep Learning for tracking and force sensing

Ferhat SADAK

Haptic feedback improves trajectory precision and task duration

 Gerena et al, Micromachines 2019

Your Hand

in the microscale

In-liquid assembly

T-cell / Cancer
interaction forces

Nicolas INACIO

Mecanobiology on gametes

An interactive scientific instrument

Robotic assistance for biologists

  • Decrease training cost and duration

  • Decrease task duration

Modern analysis tools for clinical research

  • 6D single-cell Manipulation in-vitro, in incubator
  • Decrease the pollution and variability of experimental conditions
  • Database Generation  ↦ IA and ML tools for analysis


An interactive scientific instrument


Open positions for

PhD, Post-Doc, Research Engineer

(French is not required !)