Image Based WebVR: Creating and Publishing Environments for Browsers and HMDs

by Sandy Ressler

National Institute of Standards and Technology

Tomasz Bednarz


NIST/CSIRO collaborative work, Feb-March, 2015




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  • Web Browser as Universal Publishing Medium
  • WebGL for Universal 3D Content
  • Oculus Rift brings about VR2.0
  • Creating 360 degree environments: The Joy and Horror of the GoPro 360Heros Setup
  • A Stich is Space makes the Place
  • Testing outside of Browser
  • Moving to the Browser - WebVR
  • Native Oculus Support, Sort-of
  • Future

Excuse me but there are some 3D objects in my web pages!!!


Web Browser as Universal Publishing Medium

  • If you want the widest possible audience..put it on the Web
  • If you want exposure via mobile devices..put it on the Web, and make sure the site is responsive

WebGL for Universal 3D Content

  • WebGL is GL with web wrappers
  • WebGL supported by most browsers and most mobile devices
  • WebGL led by Khronos Group (standardization/conformance is good thing)
  • ALL,desktop,immersive

The Magic of WebGL

Three.js editor

Declarative versus Imperative Graphics

  • declarative tells WHAT to draw
    • the Web page is a declarative structure
    • HTML is a declarative language describing the structure of a web page
    • actions taking place on the page via javascript are imperative
    • actions via javaScript frameworks act on 'objects' such as $('sphere').changeColor(r,g,b);
  • imperative tells HOW to draw

Declarative 3D in Web Pages

  • DOM - Document Object Model; contains graphic elements
  • Manipulating the DOM means you are manipulating graphical elements
  • Selecting elements of the DOM means you are selecting those elements of the page you wish to manipulate.
  • Of course having multi-Gb mesh type data directly in the DOM is an issue..being dealt with by a variety of compression techniques

JSBIN demos/examples

NOT a special graphics editor!!


Photography and Stiching

Camera setup (360 Heros GoPro holder)

360 heros

Software to "stitch" the videos into a sphere"

Autopano Video Pro (test version)

Software to "stitch" the videos into a sphere"

Autopano Video Giga- manipulate stitch (rotate pieces)

Software to "stitch" the videos into a sphere"

complete version

360 video embed (results of GoPro stitched videos)

eleVR embed (simulated stereo)

open source on Github

Oculus Rift brings about VR2.0

Google Cardboard crazy smart/cheap

google cardboard

DODO Case VR (for any phone)


Late Breaking News: MS HoloLens

  • Microsoft HoloLens
  • Microsoft HoloLens by Sketchfab on Sketchfab

    VR is back baby!

    This is not how VR will suck you in.

    from Tron (1982)

    Major Efforts

    • Facebook - Oculus
      • Samsung - GearVR (Oculus)
    • Microsoft - HoloLens
    • Google - Magic Leap (in stealth)
      • Dodo Case VR (commercial version of Google Cardboard)

    The Oculus Effect

    • clearly the excitement generated by Oculus (via kickstarter but mostly the $2B purchase by Facebook) instigated this second coming of VR
    • Browser vendors also get excited via the integration of WebGL and VR headsets

    The Secrets of Magic Leap are being Revealed

    48 Crazy Ideas Coming From The $2 Billion Stealth Startup Magic Leap

    VR Content

    Content Types

    • 360 degree video
    • actual movies - Oculus Story Studio - Sundance Film Festival
    • games (of course)

    Content and more Content

    Molly Wood@NYTimes

    Matterport virtual walkthroughs - realestate and more

    Full Immersion (Birdly)

    WebVR..what is it???

    Scientific American article: Virtual Reality Comes to the Web-Maybe for Real This Time

    Firefox is getting VR features that work with Oculus Rift

    Browser vendors natively supporting the display and input (head position and orientation)

    Viewing 360 Scene with Oculus


    Oculus (and VR) Problems

    • it's not all sunshine and happy drugs ;-)
    • strap a brick to your face
    • hands disappear, making interaction difficult
      • partial solution: Leap Motion
    • eyes focus on images that are physically on close screen..."simulator sickness"

    X3DOM and WebVR

    WebVR Use Case: 360 degree video

    • hardware and software integration
    • YouTube will be offering a 360 degree video channel

    360 Video on Web page

    interaction via mouse versus head position

    Mozilla WebVR





    more input solutions

    clearer "language" visual conventions/semantics

    exciting times! (again)
