Stefan Sommer, University of Copenhagen
Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen
Stochastic shape process:
\[dX_t=K(X_t)\circ dW_t\]
Kernel matrix:
\(X_t\) landmarks at time \(t\):
Conditioning on hitting target \(v\) at time \(T>0\):
Ito stochastic process:
Bridge process:
\[dx^*_t=b(t,x^*_t)dt+a(t,x^*_t)\nabla_x\log \rho_t(x^*_t)dt\\+\sigma(t,x^*_t)dW_t\]
Score \(\nabla_x\log \rho_t\) intractable....
black: \(X_0\), red: \(v\)
Auxilary process:
Approximate bridge:
\[d\tilde{x}_t=\tilde{x}(t,\tilde{x}_t)dt\\+\tilde{a}(t,\tilde{x}_t)\nabla_x\log \tilde{\rho}_t(\tilde{x})dt+\tilde{\sigma}(t,\tilde{x}_t)dW_t\]
E.g. linear process so that score \(\nabla_x\log \tilde{\rho}_t\) is known in closed from
(almost) explicitly computable likelihood ratio:
\[\frac{d\mathbb P^*}{d\tilde\mathbb P}=\frac{\tilde{\rho}_0(v)}{\rho_0(v)}\Psi(\tilde{x}_t)\]
van der Meulen, Schauer et al.
Ito stochastic process:
Bridge process:
\[dx^*_t=b(t,x^*_t)dt\\+a(t,x^*_t)\nabla_x\log \rho_t(x^*_t)dt+\sigma(t,x^*_t)dW_t\]
Score \(\nabla_x\log \rho_t\) intractable....
v.d. Meulen,Schauer,Arnaudon,Sommer,arxiv'21
Delyon/Hu 2006:
\(\sigma\) invertible:
Jensen, Mallasto, Sommer 2019 ; Jensen, Sommer 2021, 2022
Leaf conditioning:
van der Meulen, Schauer + Soustrup, Nielsen, van der Meulen, Sommer
Brownian motion starting point
code: Centre for Computational Evolutionary Morphometry:
slides: Stochastic Morphometry:
Generalization of Euclidean statistical notions and techniques.
Nye, White, JMIV'14;
Sommer,IPMI'15; Sommer,Svane,JGM'15;
smeary at optimal \(t\)?
Brownian motion samples
two-pole distribution
variance modulation:
non-trivial covariance: fit anisotropic normal distributions