Need assistance beyond basic library questions, for subject-specialized research?
Webster Library, downtown (SGW). LB building, across from the Hall building
Vanier Library, Loyola campus,
VL building, straight down from the shuttle bus stop and across the Chapel
1400 de Maisonneuve Blvd West
7141 Sherbrooke St. W.
Search for library books, ebooks, articles and films
Need a space to attend a remote class on campus? You are welcome to use the Library's non-silent study spaces. Bring your own laptop, headset and microphone or borrow these from the Library's Loans/Circulation desk with your Concordia ID card.
We also have plenty of electrical outlets to keep you charged through your class.
Not sure which spaces are suitable for talking? Just Ask Us – in person or before you come.
Please remember that procedural masks must be worn at all times in the Library, even while talking into a microphone.
research topic / question:
What are the potential impacts of climate change on the biodiversity of birds in North America?
also see this hand out:
peer-reviewed articles checklist
VIDEO: peer-review in 3 minutes
This blog entry reports on an interesting study which involved many academics, but it is NOT an academic/scholarly/ peer-reviewed article
This IS an academic/scholarly/
peer-reviewed article. Important clues: academic language, distinct sections, long bibliography of references.
do you need to cite it?
Hakkinen and Akrami (2014) found that “individuals are receptive to climate change communications, regardless of ideological position” (p. 65).
Research shows that people from any ideological background are open to hearing about climate change (Hakkinen & Akrami, 2014).
Doherty, T. J., & Clayton, S. (2011). The psychological impacts of global climate change. American Psychologist, 66(4), 265-276.
Hakkinen, K., & Akrami, N. (2014). Ideology and climate change denial. Personality and Individual Differences, 70, 62-65.
McCright, A. M., & Dunlap, R. E. (2011). Cool dudes: The denial of climate change among conservative white males in the United States. Global environmental change, 21(4), 1163-1172
* Make sure to double check your generated citations - they are not always correct! Use the Library's citation style guides to make sure all the required elements of the citation are present and correctly formatted.
Many library databases (for example, Sofia Discovery tool, EBSCO and ProQuest databases) and even Google Scholar, will provide you with formatted citations in the style of your choice that you can copy and paste into your bibliography, reference list or works cited list!
for more information, see our
Sometimes also called bibliographic management tools, these allow you to:
There are several citation management tools available. Concordia Library provides support for ZOTERO...........
Once those two steps are completed and everything is installed, go to your favourite library database or to Google Scholar, and search for articles on a topic.
At the top right corner of your browser you should see something like this:
If you don't see the folder icon (or an icon that looks like a sheet of paper) click on the extensions icon (looks like a puzzle piece) and make sure that Zotero is PINNED. It will turn blue.
To save items to you Zotero library of citations, click on the folder icon (or paper or book icon if you are looking at only one citation)
By default ZOTERO tries to save items to your Zotero library in the desktop software you installed, but you can also choose to enable the Zotero Web library and save your citations there.
Once citations are saved in your Zotero library you can create a bibliography: