Your critical auto-ethnography assignment, no matter what the topic is, must include academic / peer-reviewed references.
Your focus group assignment requires a literature review with 10 peer-reviewed sources published in the last 10 years speaking directly to your topic... Your final research report requires a more refined version of this literature review.
Your professor notes that: "It is always a good practice not only to read and identify peer-reviewed research, but also to index it 'on the go', making use of citation software. This will save you a lot of time during the production stage of the research report."
Your assignments require a reference list using APA style.
Need assistance beyond a quick chat,
and have a bit of time to plan?
ZOOM office hours most Tuesdays 3-5, or by appointment
ZOOM office hours: most Tuesdays 3-5,
OR by appointment
Webster Library, AskUs Desk: most Tuesdays 1-3 + Fridays 10-12
Subject-Specific databases for YOUR topic (SocINDEX, iPortal)
social inequality and life expectancy
platform work / the gig economy
social networks
schools as racialized organizations
intersectional approaches to military violence
conspiracy theories and social movements
gender and social movements
race and violence
multiracial, mixed-race, and biracial identities
another search example in this handout:
my advice:
Search for library books, ebooks, articles and films
TIP: go back the last slide to see how to find and request it via Interlibrary Loans!
Canadian Review of Sociology
Hakkinen and Akrami (2014) found that “individuals are receptive to climate change communications, regardless of ideological position” (p. 65).
Research shows that people from any ideological background are open to hearing about climate change (Hakkinen & Akrami, 2014).
Make sure to double check your generated citations - they are not always correct! Use those citation style guides to make sure all the required elements of the citation are present and correctly formatted.
Many library databases (for example: Sofia Discovery tool, EBSCO and ProQuest databases) as well as Google Scholar will provide you with formatted citations in the style of your choice that you can copy and paste into your bibliography, reference list or works cited list!
Sometimes also called bibliographic management tools, these allow you to:
There are several citation management tools available. Concordia Library provides support for Zotero...........
Once you have registered for a Zotero account AND installed the Zotero Connector for your browser (+ the Zotero desktop application).....
1. Click on the extensions icon:
2. Click on the PIN:
It will turn blue.
You should then see an indication that the Zotero Connector is installed: most likely a Z icon
but it could also be a page, a folder or a book icon.
Once you are then using library databases or google scholar, you can save items to you Zotero library by clicking on the the folder/ page/ book / icon
If you have succesfully downloaded and installed the Zotero app, you can launch /
open it:
In the Zotero desktop app, click on the green circular arrow:
and open your Sync preferences to sign in:
You are now ready to save items to your Zotero library.
You can now ignore the Zotero desktop app and go back to your browser.
Once citations are saved in your Zotero library you can create a bibliography:
...OR you can insert citations and a bibliography directly into documents via your word processing software:
REMINDER: Make sure to double check your Zotero-generated references - they are not always correct! Use the Library's citation style guides to make sure all the required elements of your bibliography and of your references are present and correctly formatted.