library research workshop
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ZOOM office hours: most Tuesdays
3:30-5:30 pm
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Webster LB building: most Tuesdays 1-3
Google: concordia library women's studies
A message from the Principal of the Simone de Beauvoir Institute on October 2:
"Most recently we have secured funding to ensure that our Feminist Reading Room and Learning Centre provides students with staffing support from 9 am- 9 pm from Monday-Thursday, and from 9 am-5 pm on Fridays. Please note that Isabelle Lamoureux has already begun to work in the Reading Room 9-5; we will inform you as soon as a graduate student has been hired to work in the evenings.
Interested in current debates about assisted dying legislation in Canada, claims that inclusion of disability as a reason for requesting and accessing physician assisted death are akin to a eugenics framing…. In terms of historical women's studies perspectives, might this not have echoes of earlier 20th century debates about reproductive rights, and how that too has sometimes been associated with eugenics, or eugenic feminism?
My questions / problems: Can the current debates around assisted dying legislation and disability in Canada be informed by 20th century feminist debates around social hygene and eugenics? How might Simone de Beauvoir interpret MAID legislation in Canada?
This will take SEVERAL SEARCHES to explore, using...
Search for specific library books, ebooks, articles and films
I like the 2011 article: "Death with “dignity”: the wedge that divides the disability rights movement from the right to die movement" as it seems very relevant to part of my topic.
I want to find more recent articles that engage with this work, but that also engage with feminism and look at Canada.
I can enter the article title in Google Scholar, click on the "Cited by" link and then add "search within" keywords such as : feminism canada to get a whole new set of interesting results
VIDEO: peer-review in 3 minutes
which one(s) is/are scholarly?
This is a resource aimed at practitioners and researchers, but it is not written by an academic describing a research study or a theoretical framework. Though it casually refers to other studies, it does not seriously engage with other academic research and has NO BIBLIOGRAPHY!
This IS an academic/scholarly/
peer-reviewed article. Important clues: academic language, author draws on scholarly theories and outlines their own. Long BIBLIOGRAPHY of references. You can look up the journal Sexualities and find out that is peer-reviewed.
How to properly enter your KEYWORDS in Library Databases
handout to download:
Combines concepts. Limits how many results your search produces |
police AND violence |
OR |
Allows for synonyms or alternative terms. Increases the number or results your search produces. |
violence OR brutality |
* |
Near the end of a word, retrieves all words that start with the letters entered. Increases the number of results a search produces | Canad* (retrieves Canada, Canadian) |
“ ” | For two words or more, search for an exact phrase only, rather than each keyword separately. Limits how many results your search produces | “systemic racism” (retrieves systemic racism, but not systemic oppression related to racism) |
YouTube video, 3 mins
This is a challenge for all of us: Reflect on the way you approach referencing the work of others in your own writing, presenting and thinking. Whose work do you build on to make arguments ... Who are you citing, and why do you cite them (and not others)?
Eve Tuck, K. Wayne Yang, Rubén Gaztambide-Fernández,"Citation Practices" Critical Ethnic Studies, April 2015
I believe that bibliographies and endnotes and references and sources are alternative stories that can, in the most generous sense, centralize the practice of sharing ideas about liberation and resistance and writing against racial and sexual violence.
Katherine McKittrick,"Footnotes (Books and Papers Scattered about the Floor)", Dear Science and Other Stories,2021
[on being an activist:] Try to think in terms of effectiveness; be bulletproof. I mean, anything that you say, you should be able to back it up with footnotes.
Buffy Sainte Marie interview with Rosanna Deerchild, Unreserved podcast, 2022
Hakkinen and Akrami (2014) found that “individuals are receptive to climate change communications, regardless of ideological position” (p. 65).
Research shows that people from any ideological background are open to hearing about climate change (Hakkinen & Akrami, 2014).
see this sample paper with a reference list on p. 17
Many library databases (for example: Sofia Discovery tool, EBSCO and ProQuest databases) as well as Google Scholar will provide you with formatted citations in the style of your choice that you can copy and paste into your bibliography, reference list or works cited list.
Make sure to double check your generated citations - they are not always correct! Use those citation style guides to make sure all the required elements of the citation are present and correctly formatted.
Sometimes also called bibliographic management tools, these allow you to:
There are several citation management tools available.
Concordia Library provides support for ZOTERO...........
Make sure to double check your generated citations - they are not always correct! Use those citation style guides to make sure all the required elements of the citation are present and correctly formatted.
Search for library books, ebooks, articles and films
the object(s) of your study
can be almost anything, depending on the CONTEXT!
can be PRIMARY sources?