majority of time was spent on master theorem, recursion-tree method and substitution method for finding complexity of algorithms (i.e. week 1-2 material)
workshop questions are very relevant
Week 7: Strings algorithm
longest common subsequence and edit distance problems
workshop questions:
do not have to worry about Huffman codes and string matching
Week 8: Probabilistic algorithm
understand what probabilistic algorithm is
Monte Carlo vs Las Vega
difficult topic to examine
requires backgound in probability theory
quicksort, Miller-Rabin test,
don't worry about Rabin-Karp string matching (from workshop)
Week 9: Graph Algorithms
Graph traversal, DFS, BFS
Maximum flow problem
Matrix multiplication method
Floyd-Warshall algorithm
3 hours exam
Part A: 135 marks (6 questions), Part B: 45 marks (3 questions)