30 Minutes on Data

Simon Elichko  (they/them)
Social Sciences & Data Librarian
Swarthmore College Libraries

What we'll go over:

  • Data resources that you can access through the Libraries, including licensed resources that you can use for free as a Swarthmore student.

  • Expertise on-campus that can support you in finding and analyzing data

Where can you find data?

  • Use academic research to identify relevant datasets

    • Find relevant research, check their sources

    • What data did they use?

    • Who collected it? Who provides access?

  • Explore curated data tools

    • Organize data by topic,

    • Examples include Social Explorer and Policy Map

  • Data providers and repositories

    • Includes ICPSR and IPUMS, Census Bureau

Resource Topics Access Notes
Social Explorer US Census and ACS data, some other govt and private data sources (1790-present) Use the link here or connect through Tripod
PolicyMap US Census and ACS data, wide range of other gov and private data sources (2010s-present) Use the link here or connect through Tripod
Statista Market research and other data across wide variety of topics Use the link here or Tripod
ICPSR Datasets from social science research Account needed to download data. Must be created while on-campus or using VPN.
LSEG Eikon Financial information including company data, market data, news, country and economic data. Coverage generally back to 1970s. To get Eikon username and password, follow prompt to sign in through Swarthmore. Then use separate username and password to access Eikon.

Single shared login, logout when you're done.
Roper iPOLL Results from US national public opinion surveys (e.g. Gallup, Pew) and surveys from 120+ countries. (1935-present) Use this link or connect through Tripod

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