PSYC 137
Christina Bush, Psychology Librarian
"a manner of dealing with psychological, medical, or other scientific questions in which individuals from different disciplines or professions collaborate to obtain a more thorough, detailed understanding of the nature of the questions and consequently develop more comprehensive answers. For example, an interdisciplinary approach to the treatment or rehabilitation of an individual who is ill, disabled, or experiencing distress or pain uses the talents and experiences of therapists from a number of appropriate medical and psychological specialties. Also called multidisciplinary approach."
-APA Gloassry
to searching
A significant word or phrase in the title, subject headings (descriptors), contents note, abstract, or text of a record in an online catalog or bibliographic database that can be used as a search term in a free-text search to retrieve records containing it also referred to as natural language
predefined, authorized terms that have been indexed by the designer of the vocabulary -- typically LOC or a database
Remember, the thesaurus is not just an alphabetic list of terms. Instead, the terms are organized hierarchically with major subject areas, progressively branching off into more specific terms.
When you "explode" a term in a database that uses a thesaurus, you direct the system to search on a given term PLUS all the more specific terms that are nested beneath the original term.
I'll ask a few of you to report what you found
Christina Bush