Fotowedstrijd International Office
''This photo from my time in Valencia is special to me. During my internship, I had moments of happiness, but I also went through tough times. A close friend tried to take their own life, later in that same week, I was attacked by a group of people. I felt really lonely and homesick. But these experiences made me who I am today – a determined professional dedicated to improving mental health care for young people. Without these challenges, I wouldn't be able to help them like I can now. It's a reminder that we can find strength in difficult times.
By sharing this picture, I also like to address the difficult times students go through while they are abroad!''
Luuk Laarakkers, student International Business in Den Bosch
''Change can manifest itself in a myriad of ways, often catching us completely off guard. Take, for instance, the mesmerizing phenomenon known as the aurora borealis. This splendid display of lights is formed by the collision of protons and electrons with gases that are in the atmosphere. While this collision remains unseen to the naked eye, its magical aftermath captivates our senses. Life, like this heavenly dance, experiences radical alterations that frequently escape our immediate perception. These changes come, unannounced, forcing us to navigate through the unknown and adapt to our new circumstances. It is only in retrospect that we comprehend the profound impact of these experiences, witnessing our own personal or emotional growth.''
Kim Geurts, student Enviromental Sciences in Breda
''Coming to Norway has been an incredible adventure, filled with doubt and fear at first, but ultimately pushing me to confront my fears and step out of my comfort zone. This captivating picture perfectly captures the essence of simplicity and the breathtaking beauty that lies within it. After enduring a challenging hike up the snow-covered mountain in -1 degree weather, we were rewarded with an awe-inspiring scene. On one side, the setting sun painted the sky with vibrant hues, while on the other side, a magnificent view of the moon and majestic mountains unfolded before us. It serves as a powerful testament that by bravely facing our fears and overcoming obstacles, we can discover truly remarkable and wondrous experiences that lie ahead.''
Paula Velasquez Suarez, student Enviromental Sciences in Breda
''My exchange was in Sweden this photo was taken in Lapland above the article circle. A truthy unique experience, in the photo it captures the beautiful snowy landscape and mountains, the moon and a hint of northern lights. It even looks like daytime the way the light is captured. Actually, it was taken quickly during a snowshoe hike but, it turned out to be the most meaningful picture for this adventure.''
Angela Lo, International Business in Breda
''Tijdens mijn minor op Bali ging ik naar een luchttempel Daarna liep ik een smalle weg omhoog waar niemand naartoe ging. Toen ik dit voor een half uur bewandeld had, was ik verdwaald op de meest afgelegen plek die ik ooit heb gezien. Erg in paniek stond ik daar, maar gelukkig vond deze vrouw me. Ze wilde me maar al te graag mee naar haar dorpje nemen om iedereen te leren kennen. Eenmaal bij haar simpel huisje aangekomen, werd ik overladen met thee en koekjes. Haar zoons leerden me vliegersmaken, terwijl we elkaar niet konden verstaan. Ik gaf wat geld aan de moeder en mijn laatste liga's van Nederland aan de zoons. Dit was een erg onverwachts avontuur en ik heb nog nooit zulke gastvrije mensen ontmoet die zo gelukkig zijn met het kleine wat ze hebben. Ik moet heel snel terugkomen van ze.''
Lars van Houtum, student Business Administration in Den Bosch
''This photo represents the unconditional and costless love. While visiting the Komodo islands (Indonesia), where they have a strict Muslim belief, the houses are made of wood, standing on poles for when water rises and against the Komodo dragon. We stayed the night in the houses of locals, sleeping on the floor while rats walked past you, washing ourselves with a tub of brown water. The photo shows that love is costless, being grateful and kind is costless. Looking at this picture reminds me of happiness being a choice.''
Rinske Marit, student International Business in Den Bosch