A guide to good practice
The Prevention and Detection of Fraud Begins with You
by Dominika Kovtun
the various surveys highlight...
"Fraud is the second oldest profession. If there is money, there is money to steal."
A member of a small family business in Australia committed a $2 million fraud costing profit, jobs, and a great deal of trust. The business owner became suspicious when they realized their son-in-law used a company diesel card to buy petrol for his car.
...fraud can have a considerable social and psychological effect on individuals, businesses, and society.
Pre-planned fraudsters:
who start out with the beginning of being intending to commit fraud
Intermediate fraudsters:
Slippery-slope fraudsters:
The typical organization loses 7% of its revenue to fraud annually
The average loss is $140,000
A typical fraud lasts 18 months before detection
81% of cases reported displayed one or more Behavioral red flags
Fraud Prevention:
An anti-fraud strategy:
Fraud detection:
Combination of analytical and other procedures to highlight anomalies and introduction of reporting mechanisms that demonstrates the activity of suspected fraudsters
A list of possible fraud alerts:
(the fraud report should be clear and succinctly)
(Thorough establishing an investigating team)
It is important that organisations have a documented plan for responding to suspected or detected cases of fraud. A fraud response plan should include a clear statement on the corporate policy with regard to dealing with fraud, and set out the roles and responsibilities of those involved in responding to suspicions
Send me $19,95, and I will tell you how to avoid them.
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