Quality Assurance

Scalability testing

  1. What is Scalability testing

  2. Attributes

  3. Scaling types

  4. Pros and cons

  5. Tools
  6. TC scaling


What is Scalability testing

      It is not functional testing, which is also called performance testing.

      This testings helps to find out how the application or product scales with the increased load in terms of users or data.


  • throughput - is defined as the number of                  
               requests processed per unit time;
  • response time - is the time between the user's     
    ​           request and the response from        the  application server;
  • memory usage - checks the amount of memory 
               used to perform any task in the 
  • CPU usage - checks the processor used when 
               performing any tasks in the
    ​           application;
  • network usage - checks the number of bytes, 
               packets received or sent per second 
               over the network;

Scaling types

  • vertical
  • horizontal

Pros and cons

Pros of scalability testing:

  • helps identify web applications in terms of response time, network usage, CPU usage, and more;
  • reduce the risk of huge losses of money and the company's reputation due to poor program performance;

Cons of scalability testing:

  • the testing environment doesn't always exactly match the production environment;
  • increase the project budget;
  • the time spent testing each attributes is sometimes very large and increases project deadline;
  • may be inaccurate results due to incorrect test scenarios or test data;


TС scaling

Container 1

Container 2


Container 3




1 - 1.5 m

5 m